Gewichtsgrenze, eure Meinung?
Ich bab mich gestern mit einem Typen unterhalten, der mich echt erzählt hat seine Freundin dürfe nur max. 50 Kilo wiegen und generell solle laut ihm keine Frau mehr wiegen. Ich hab keine Ahnung wie groß seine Freundin ist und hab darauf auch nix gesagt. Ich meine, was soll man denn bei so nem Kackmist schon sagen.
Was hättet ihr darauf gesagt oder was hättet ihr gedacht?
That’s bullshit. It depends on the body size: a woman who is 1.50 and weighs 50 kg looks quite different than a woman who is 1.80 and weighs 50kg. He didn’t think about it. Above all, it would be just dangerous for big women.
If he was just superficial, he would probably make it deficient from the body size. But that sounds worse. Sounds like he’s pretty immature and he’s got 0 idea.
Does he always have a scale? Not that his girlfriend suddenly weighs 50.5 kg, that would be embarrassing 😱
I met someone who said that. He himself was 1.85 m tall and weighed almost 80 kg at the end of 20. His ex, which I have met in Ivann, was actually small and petty, but instead of ‘sweet’ iwie ‘scrattle’. If an acquaintance of him, with 1.75 m, was ‘dealed’ despite lean figure and sympathetic appearance (not over 50 kg!).
At that time, I thought it was bullshit and I still think it would be bullshit, especially if ‘mann’ is neither small nor slender! But good: he could say that he’s on ‘small and petite’! ABER ne 1.70 m woman, or even bigger, should not weigh ‘only’ 50 kg AND can still be feminine and attractive!
There are BMI values and that explain excellently what weight is healthy at what age and size.
You can whistle on personal opinions of any type.
Dummy is repulsive. 50kg at 140cm are a bit different from 180cm. And secondly, I cannot imagine that a relationship that is terminated by exceeding a weight limit is particularly profound.
I wouldn’t have thought much, but stupid people aren’t rarity. And I would not have said anything because I know very well that such people are often very close and not open to discussions.
So in my youth I weighed only 45 kilos at 1.63 body size. But was very trained I must say, so it looked good and not starved. I’m as big as hard now. Wear size 38 and am satisfied.
In general, I find women more beautiful who have a little more on the hips than those starving hooks where the hip bones look out. Important is the radiance and the sense of life that women spread.
I’d ask him, how much do you weigh? Smile 😂
My friend may also be overweight as long as she does not weigh almost 200kg now, because I am too heavy, so about 105kg at about 184cm with 15 years.
If he had told him that he hoped he knew it wasn’t very healthy, depending on the size of his girlfriend, and I thought that he was crazy. It doesn’t tick clean.
I would probably have said that he must also consider the size
I would have asked him how much his brain weighs and it was estimated to be 0 grams…
I would have laughed for so much stupidity.