Wenn ich sehe das Männer schwere Geichte nutzen, ist das nicht irgendwann schädlich für die Gelenke und Bandscheiben?
Wenn ich sehe das Männer schwere Geichte nutzen, ist das nicht irgendwann schädlich für die Gelenke und Bandscheiben?
push Gesamtvolumen des Plans (Anzahl der Sätze): Db Bench Press 3 Sätze → 3 Sätze Weighted Dips mit Supersatz Push ups: 3 Sätze + 3 Supersätze → 6 Sätze Pike Push ups: 3 Sätze → 3 Sätze Seitheben: 3 Sätze → 3 Sätze Trizeps Pushdowns: 3 Sätze → 3 Sätze Diamond Push ups: 2 Sätze…
Hey, ich wollte statt hip thrust (weil ich diese Übung einfach nicht leiden kann) Bulgarien Split Squats in mein unter Körper Training hinzufügen. Da ich aber schon einbeinige Rdls in meinem Plan habe ( ich spüre einbeinige viel besser im po) wollte ich fragen ob das quasi nicht die gleiche Übung ist? Kann ich beide…
Hey, gerade war ich echt Sauer auf meinen Bruder weil er Tomatensoße auf mein Lieblingsshirt gekleckert hat. Habe erstmal den Fleck eingeweicht, als ich merkte dass der nicht rausgeht habe ich den Kleinen angeschrien (ich weiß etwas übertrieben wegen einem Fleck und es war ja auch keine Absicht von ihm, aber das Shirt bedeutet mir…
Hallo meine frage ist es seitdem ich paar übungen für die Schulter gegen andere Übungen getauscht habe jetzt mache ich für die Schulter frontheben seitheben im Stehen und Schulter drücken im Sitzen hat es wegen diesen übungen was zu tun
In Filmen kommt das häufiger vor, dass man feststellt, ob ein Körperteil gebrochen ist, indem man den bewegt. Wenn das geht, ist der nicht gebrochen. Ist das tatsächlich so? Kann ein gebrochener Körperteil nicht bewegt werden? Unabhängig davon ob es wehtut oder nicht bewegt werden sollte. Ist das möglich, weil bei einem Bruch ist nur…
Hallo, ich habe seit einiger Zeit das Problem, dass sich meine linke Schulter bei machen Bewegungen einfach von alleine aus und wieder reinrenkt (schmerzlos). Das ergibt immer ein dumpfes lautes knacken. Ich habe im Gym z.B. beim Bankdrücken Probleme, weil die Kraft nachlässt. Ich habe sie mir noch nie ausgekugelt oder ähnliches. Was soll ich…
Jein. Practiced as recreational sports is almost nothing harmful, on the contrary, the most harmful is passivity. As a high-performance sport, almost everything is harmful.
A good muscle protects joints, tendons and ligaments from wear and injuries.
However, the training must be designed in such a way that you control the corresponding muscles specifically and give your time to adapt to the increased load.
A false training is just as harmful as no training. 💁🏻
Not trains reasonably and increases the growing skills accordingly with the weights.
Look at my profile picture. Many years of martial arts and intense strength training. Since 1979. Do I look like joints and discs are damaged with me?
That was not a privilege of the GDR or the East Block, that was nowhere else.
Sportsmen from the former GDR, oh yes. There was heavy demand for power and many were destroyed. To speak of wear in this, in part, considerable shyness, yes, in your opinion. Such training can/can break. Always. With all the successes of the athletes, I would talk about bad or wrong training again. Because it broke.
At least “right” strength training is always wear. After that, the damages are “repaired” and a pö a pö is still scraped to be ready for the next tortur. It’s called regeneration.
This is so similar to everything. Without going to the borders or crossing them, there will be no progress. I live in Berlin and had the opportunity to get to know many former sportsmen from the former GDR. Your bodies were very worn out. there is a big difference between latitude and performance sports.
But you can fight it forever. A new sauce is constantly being driven through the village. Stretching important, stretching no matter, stretching bad… every year something else.
PS.: Also lucky in the Dojo had to meet a former ballet dancer who has accompanied me laaangly to the balancing act.
Overall not wrong. But I always deny the training is also wear. My “young years” have long been history. It is dangerous to seek something that is not strong enough for you, there are injuries. And false execution of exercises. Too much weight in strength training, for which one is not ready yet, etc. Proper training, also with great increases, prevents wear on the contrary. Spagat doesn’t mean everything is okay health, as far as right. But you can’t just learn it if you don’t belong to the lucky ones blessed with rubber joints. I’m not at all. I can take a spade for proper and good training. With a little help from a ballerina. At least 4 training partners from old times have artificial hip joints. One at both hips. We’re all around the 60. I can be the only spade without warming up. Without pain, without wear! and by nature are not articulated. I used to have a lot of arguments with them, how do you really know? How do you get down? And, unfortunately, we can only get me. The others are not lucky enough to get into the balancing body with artificial joints. Wear? I’ll fight! There are consequences of completely false training. Plated hardness, wrong versions. And that wears! I’m doing martial arts, strength training and running. I had injuries only by wrong ambition. Not through training and not through increases in training. Good and proper training, even with increases, prevents wear. Nobody’s gonna take me off.
No, the problems are not training. Quite the contrary, without I would have received it with a high probability earlier and/or worse. And would’ve put them away less easily. And without training, I wouldn’t be back where I am. I was back at the gym right after the surgery. I also spoke out clearly for training. No training is not an option. Only too much is not well advised. Training is always also wear. Exercise before fully completed regeneration is certainly the opposite of what you wanted. I have to learn in young years. And that one comes into the spades does not mean that everything is okay in health. That would be too easy.
Hui, that’s a story. But did you get these health deficits through training? Future training usually does not harm the joints, on the contrary. And muscles and fitness usually do not occur during injurious training. With injuries through training you stop training sooner or later. At least during the injuries.
What should one recognize this from outside?The many years of intense strength trainings are not visible to you either. And: I can still do the balancing act. Bzw. again. And I have three discs and two hip prostheses.
Your question hurts my psyche.