Gewicht Schwangerschaft?
Ich hoffe hier gibt es ein paar Mamis’ die mir helfen können.
Ich bin in der 30. Woche schwanger und habe jetzt leider fast schon 13 Kilo zugenommen. Meine Frauenärztin meckert mich jedes Mal an, da ich vor der Geburt übergewichtig war. Sie gibt mir massiv die Schuld und jetzt hat sie mir an Kopf geworfen, dass das Kind wenn es so weiter geht….bei der Geburt Probleme bekommen wird 😕. Habt ihr Erfahrungen damit? Bringe ich echt mein Kind in Gefahr?
L.G. : ]
Don’t be too stressful. The weight increase takes place individually, not linear. Maybe you take a lot to the end of pregnancy, maybe not.
A diabetes test was certainly already done and there seems nothing to be noticeable.
Just try to feed you as healthy as possible in recent weeks; no junk food, not too many cookies, lots of fruit and vegetables.
Good luck!
What a stupid cow. Put on the move… Mine was just as stupid, I even took 15kg, then inlaid 10kg of water at the end, plus child, etc., and took the 15kg back on it. The guy just nailed and pissed. Well, right after the release were then 10kg away, the remaining 5kg of water I lost over the next few days.
But an increase in weight of 13kg is not worrying, even with overweight. Most will be water and just child, fruit water and placenta.
The increase in weight in pregnancy is based on your initial weight. An American institute has broken down the optimal weight gain with regard to the body mass index (BMI) of the woman before pregnancy:
The more you weighed before, the less you should increase in pregnancy.
BMI before pregnancy under 18.5 = 12.7 to 18.1 kg
BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 = 11.3 to 15.9 kg
BMI between 25 and 29.9 = 6.8 to 11.3 kg
and BMI over 30 maximum 9 kg.
Never attemptedLosing weight during pregnancy, especially not without your doctor’s explicit recommendation.
It doesn’t matter: “You have to eat for two now.” Pregnants only need between 250 and 500 kcal more per day and this is not in the form of calorie bombs, because it is a healthy, balanced diet before and during pregnancy important for the growth and development of the fetus.
Also, you should not spend pregnancy lying on the sofa – except it speaks medical reasons. Pay attention to the right diet and proper exercise. Ideal for pregnant women are, for example, Nordic walking, swimming, light aerobics or how about dancing.
Your female doctor is not your best friend who talks to you after your mouth and it is not about meeting any beauty ideal, but about your health and the health of your child.
Women who increase very strongly in pregnancy have a higher risk for some health problems and complications during birth. So it is more likely that they get a large child with a birth weight of over 4000 or 4500 g (macrosomie) and that an imperial cut becomes necessary. The risk of premature birth can also increase.
Complications are more common in women who were already heavily overweight before pregnancy. Moreover, after birth they have more problems with losing the extra weight.
As studies show, children with too heavy birth weight tend to overweight, fat metabolism disorders and cardiovascular problems more than normal weighted babies.
Look here, for example:
Happy for you and a healthy pregnancy!
Is your child in danger, really at risk? Or could that just happen?
… since I was overweight before birth…
You probably mean before pregnancy. You haven’t been born yet.
This also explains why +13kg is a problem for the doctor: it was already too many kilos and now again 13 more.
If you had normal, healthy weight before, then +13 would not be a big drama. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Overweight brings a number of risks to the mother and child. (pregnant) diabetes, heart disease, thrombosis… that’s not small things!
And hearing from others here, “I’ve got so much and so much” won’t help you either. It doesn’t matter how much others have increased. You weigh too much and so much that the doctor is definitely worried and tries to talk to you. So please listen to her and ask her to give you a diet plan for the end track, which you should also keep!
Good morning,
I have three children. At every pregnancy, I increased 20 kilos.
my children all came naturally to the world. Neither the babies nor I had problems. All came to the world with 55 cm and about 4.5 kg. Whether it was weight gain or diet, there was no idea. The two large are 16 and 19 are central parts 180 gr. And weigh 57 kilos.
I’d say don’t let you go crazy. They don’t take anything but others.
There is a risk of pregnancy diabetes if you had too much on the ribs before. If you were normal weight, the increase between 11.5 to 16 kg is normal at normal weight. In addition, the child then also has n increased diabetes risk, metabolic syndrome and for child is later overweight more likely.
The danger of diabetes is probably higher