Gewicht, reiten?

Hey Leute.

Ich hab meine beste Freundin mit zum Reiten genommen in meiner Reitschule und da meinte einfach ein neuer Trainer (also mit neu mein ich seit so einem halben Jahr bisschen länger da) das sie zu schwer zum Reiten sei und ich dachte mir nur so wie rude. Sie wollte springen machen aber ich hab ihr das halt erst ausgeredet weil sie bis jetzt nur Schritt und Galopp kann irgendwie kann sie beim Trab den Takt nicht finden aber ist ja auch egal bei der Frage. Sie ist Recht gut ausbalanciert da sie mit mir Eiskunstlauf macht und auch Trainerin ist und ein mega gutes Körpergefühl. Also wie gesagt sie kann schon so paar Grundlagen und hoppst nicht mega arg Rum und ich habe ihr geraten mit Voltigieren anzufangen weil sie sich dann erstmal nur auf den Sitz konzentrieren kann und dem Pferd dann nicht im Maul Rum reißt ( macht sie nicht aber manchmal machen es halt Anfänger wenn sie Panik bekommen oder so ihr wisst es selber)

Also wie gesagt der Trainer meint sie ist zu schwer… Sie wiegt 90 Kilo und ja es ist viel aber sie hat schon erfolgreich 14 Kilo und irgendwas abgenommen und macht auch weiter und ich Stelle mir so die Frage wenn ich so Voltigieren anschaue dann sehe ich manchmal 3 Menschen auf dem Pferd. In so einer Gruppen Kür Dings sind immer 2 auf dem Pferd drauf und ich mein ihr könnt mir nicht erzählen, dass 2 erwachsene Frauen im Leistungssport so viel weniger wiegen als eine Person mit 90 Kilo. Die Volti Matte (ka wie nennt man das? Auch Schabracke???) Federt ja anscheinend 150 Kilogramm ab deswegen frag icj mich warum sie zu schwer ist.

Es geht hier ja nicht um Flickflack und Salto auf dem Pferd sondern erstmal um knien, stehen, liegen auf dem Pferd im Schritt und eben die Grundgangarten. Die Unterrichtsstunden sind Privatstunden und dauern 30 minuten also ich finde es ist immer wichtig wie lange ein Pferd unter einer Belastung arbeitet.

Zu dem Pferd: Carlos ist 1,82 cm vom Stockmaß so Pi mal Daumen, ist 9 Jahre alt bis M ausgebildet und dementsprechend auch gut bemuskelt meiner Meinung nach und von der Rasse ist er Hannover.

Wie sehr ihr das? Ich bin mir bei der Sache sehr unschlüssig da sie zum einen meine Freundin ist und ich beide Seiten verstehen kann. Wäre ich haber der Reitlehrer würde ich sie reiten lassen, es ist für mich noch im Grenzbereich wenn man bedenkt dass viele sehr große Männer auch reiten mit so 1,80 und dementsprechend dann auch mehr wiegen und da ist die Hebelwirkung sogar größer als bei ihr

Dankööö fürs lesen und bitte bleibt respektvoll! (Sorry wenn’s verwirrend war, weil Kommasetzung ist eh nicht so meins und so und generell wusste ich nicht wie ich es schrieben soll.

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1 year ago

Well, I don’t know if you can really practice your seat at the Voltegieten… at my seat I practice riding lessons on the horse, which is suitable for my weight, on a very normal saddle you can practice your seat best, in my opinion.

I can somehow understand the riding instructor, after all it is his horses (or is he responsible for them). But of course it’s unpleasant for your girlfriend and unfriendly from the RL, but he probably said his mind. You have to accept that she can’t be on the horse.

Maybe pick up another farm with other horses (which can carry a little more weight). The teacher on your farm actually wants the best for the horses.


Ps: I think you mean:

This is called Voltegierpad and not Schabracke or so 😉

1 year ago

Your whole discussions aren’t targeted. Everyone has to decide what he’s doing.

Voltage is a correspondingly trained horse, which has to carry such peaks with excellently balanced people only for short moments. And not every man over 180 is so heavy. I know well-trained, musculous, and guys who put a little more than 70 kg on the scale.

It’s very lonely that the girlfriend has already taken a lot – so on, then there’s nothing going to stop riding.

1 year ago

If the coach thinks no, it’s a no. An unbalanced rider who weighs 90kg will hurt a horse. It’s not about weight. Men weigh so much. It’s about falling into the back of the horses because it’s not so practiced

1 year ago

She can’t ride if she doesn’t even find the clock in the trab. Sorry, she belongs to the categorie beginners. But you probably don’t understand how infinitely far away it is from good riding. I live in reality and white hate that horse riding is horse riding and ice-creaming is skating. These are 2 different things, need a different body feeling, a different balance. I’m sorry, but I understand why you’re upset – you’re just not so far to see that.

1 year ago

It’s not even about jumping. And yes I could it from the beginning as I am very hypermobile and my hip is loose but at that time it went on my back so yes there are people who can from the beginning there are people who have been riding for more than 8 years ind can still not sit a gallop and not to mention Trab. And I find someone who hasn’t had riding lessons yet and can sit Galopp is already very good. Then the trab comes fast. I couldn’t ride before my first riding lessons at all I didn’t even know how to run properly and now I got LK 3 and I’m learning. I don’t care what you think about it, the discussion is over for me I find the weight goes completely clear and you start in the first step because there is always what to improve I mean when did you last see a 100% in the dressage? I haven’t experienced yet, so you don’t ride perfectly I don’t listen to judge

It annoys me as or as toxic the horse riding is so disgustingly easy.

So beautiful life still and good is!

1 year ago

It’s not about more or less. It’s about having to learn riding and finding the right mix of tension and looseness. It’s just because you can’t have a good ice skating for a long time. What do you think? That you can do that directly? If you don’t find the clock when riding, you don’t have to jump. For the good and for the safety of horse and rider. Point.

1 year ago

But it does. I run myself so I can compare it. And glacial runners have much more body tension like riders but I’ll let it stand as you can’t talk about it now

1 year ago

I’m just saying that there’s a distinctly different pace in the icebox than riding. Do not find the cycle during riding has much to do with the correct body tension and at the same time mobility and looseness in the hip. This cannot be compared

1 year ago

Yes do that, but you can’t be sure and she probably doesn’t know what it’s about, she doesn’t find the clock because who’s doing the skating has clock. This is the sport I’ve built up myself and you can nix without tact

1 year ago

But she writes that in her question. I therefore trust in the statement

1 year ago

Yes, but you can just say nix because they do not know the horse or the rider. So you should just leave it.

1 year ago

It’s not just about horse

1 year ago

Who knows if it’s tactless. Nobody knows.

1 year ago

She says she basically has problems in the trab, not with a certain horse

1 year ago

There are also simply horses that are difficult to sit. I have a horse that should actually be a pony and he keeps driving me something back and he took so long, though I’ve already left A/L tournaments before and can actually sit. You don’t know how this horse is running. Probably it was also a private horse because in the riding school she must not ride

1 year ago

Well, the RL will know what and why he says it. He finally has the responsibility for the school horses. And if they are not suitable (you can’t judge it!), to wear a heavyweight person as a horse starter, that is to be accepted.

And… sorry, but how someone wants to volute with this weight, I’m sneaky, because there’s no physical mobility (if they were on the horse at all in the gallop???).

And this is not “common”, but realistic.

1 year ago

Why do you actually ask if you know everything better?
Sorry, you’re probably more concerned about yourself if that triggers you…
And yes, of course, I must be responsible for a horse, and this is the riding instructor here, very clever and clear: “You don’t!” … and he doesn’t even have to justify that!
If you think that’s not true, just try it in another riding school… and the next … and the next …

1 year ago

Isn’t that harder? For this, one cannot compare such sports.

1 year ago
Reply to  FunnyFanny

you will not leave this woman on an untied horse – no matter how mobile she is. even popular horses are not indefinitely capable of suffering.

first you practice on the wood horse. would have been a good start

1 year ago

You don’t ride. You’re just carrying yourself around. If you were really riding, you wouldn’t write such a bullshit.

I’m not rude, but honest. If your ego doesn’t get clear, it’s not my problem.
And the only person who’s just blaming himself here is you. I don’t say anything and I don’t even know about it.

1 year ago

It’s not more exhausting and when riding, it takes just as much body tension.

On the basis of your few sentences, you realize very well that you have absolutely no idea of riding the subject.

1 year ago

If 90Kg is too heavy, 75% of all riding men are no longer on the horse…

A fully grown, healthy horse (no pony), can easily carry over 100 kg.

1 year ago

has to do with riding about as much as a tretroller with motorbike driving.

you don’t learn to sit there. at least not for riding.

if the riding teacher thinks that your friend is too heavy for his horses, then she’s too heavy. at least as a beginner.

I know people who weigh a little more for whom there are quite horses – because they are really experienced riders and ride well.

on a voltigier horse you will not let your friend down.

1 year ago

No person who thinks about it from the horse would leave a person who can’t ride with such a weight on the horse.

1 year ago

Maybe you should go back to primary school and learn to write. That’s really creepy what you’re doing.

Just because a horse always wears so much, it’s not healthy. It’s not that. These are pains for the horse.

7 months ago
Reply to  ChampagneLady

Very short, but an adult man can weigh up to 90kg. There are also enough rides or rides to learn.
With nem trained 90kg man, no one says that you can’t ride, it’s too heavy.

7 months ago
Reply to  MariaB123

It depends on how the person can ride. Never one should put a person who cannot ride and so hard is on a horse.

7 months ago

Your parents must be so proud of you…

But don’t worry, I believe in you. At some point, every person gets at least a little intelligence

1 year ago

You’re so disgusting who you think you’re old. Better like that?

1 year ago

Child, you’re just getting embarrassed for you…

Do yourself the favor and just leave it.
You have proved very well by now that you have no idea of horses or the German language. You don’t have to prove us any more mouse.

In addition, as I said, I’m not ugly, but honest, and if that’s your ego I’d say your bad luck.

And no, you’re not my future.
And no, no one’s my girlfriend.
And who is ugly here when you call others fat?
And how do you even want to know how old I am?

It’s and remains that you have less idea than a toast.

1 year ago

You’re such a ugly person. And in the first sentence there is no comma. You think you’re so smart and what I know is you’re so stupid you don’t even see it. I am your future that is already aware or is your angle so small? What’s so disgusting about you is that you’re going to grow up with your age and you’re degrading yourself and your unexisting self-esteem to make it two meters forward. I don’t care what you’re talking about, but I’m not the questioner or an animal torturer. Your girlfriend here this punk thing or whatever that means she thinks she’s better but she’s fat and rides herself. No wonder you don’t see her comment here. You’re not perfect, but you think you’re so far away from it and it’s so sad that the old generation made the riding so toxic. Your generation has been more complete so I don’t know what you’re doing here. I’m blocking you now because you’re not worth anything.

1 year ago

As I speak English almost professionally, it should be quite good to be Schnucki.

Well, I know you have no idea about riding or riding horses. You proved enough.

Besides, I don’t take you down, I’m talking about facts. If your pride is scratched, I can’t do anything for child.

Well, Abitur and studies are different than a primary school degree, but you’ll definitely learn that in primary school. Don’t give up.

After all, I do not torture animals with ignorance and egoism.

1 year ago

Well, that’s not true, but let’s stand that way. You feel so great and you’re not. And in addition, my native language is English so let’s see the stupid you are standing there in English because you can’t do anything so just be quiet. You don’t have any arguments to go against or anything else, so you can only go to spelling because otherwise you have to admit that you don’t know anything… and that’s as ridiculously honest as an old woman sits in front of the cell phone and a juvenile goes down because of a seemingly bad grammar although there’s no reason for this because I’m in school at 1.75 in the gymnasial upper level. So be quiet with your main school degree and spread your hatred somewhere else. I’m blocking you now that you’re not worth it. Sad thing

1 year ago

My spelling corresponds to the German language and grammar but ok Hasi.
Yours do not even meet the requirements of a primary school.

1 year ago

Miss obess your spelling is also not the best just saying why you then criticize another person and even their internet people always use the spelling because nothing else happens to you

1 year ago

She just needs a strong horse, a big Norwegian, e.g., bigger horses are usually even more relaxed.

1 year ago

Hi 90 Kg is the upper limit my riding instructor says, but then you should be able to ride perfectly, then it would be okay to recommend to take your girlfriend some more off

1 year ago

Is there already stable horses where the weight can be carried, but whether they have such a horse in the stall? it must also be suitable for your girlfriend, horse is not equal horse

1 year ago

on the log is ok, a strong horse must still be

1 year ago

in the stable are many horses, with which one can taste partly, but sitting on it is something else there the horse can be thick and hard to drive,

I’ve been riding for 14 years and working in a stable