Commercial leasing: how much do you get back?

Hello folks,

I have a gardening and landscaping company that is doing quite well and am now looking for a car for myself that I can use both privately and commercially.

How much can I roughly deduct if the rate is 1000e?

Can anyone say roughly?

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1 year ago

For the first time, it would be necessary to clarify whether the vehicle is private assets or operating assets.

A distinction is made between necessary and desired operating assets:

  • Necessary operational capacity: operational use over 50%.
  • Welcoming operating assets: operating use between 10% and 50%.
  • If the company’s use is less than 10%, those assets are as Private assets Calculation

If the vehicle is operating assets, all expenses in this context are operating expenses.

However, you have to tax private use either using the 1% method or the travel book method.

Furthermore, operational use, regardless of the 1% method, should be demonstrated.