Gewerbeanmeldung zu spät?
Brauche mal eure Hilfe. Ich mache schon seit längerer Zeit Youtube. Wollte nie ein Gewerbe anmelden, da so eine Anmeldung ja auch Geld kostet. Nun ist es so dass ich langsam damit bisschen Geld verdiene (50 Euro auf Youtube Konto). Kann ich eine Anmeldung Rückwirkend durchführen also das Datum angeben wo ich meinen Youtube Channel erstellt habe? Oder muss ich nun das aktuelle Datum nehmen? Und was mache ich mit dem Geld was über die letzten Jahre angesammelt wurde? Bei Tätigkeit würde ich Online Marketing eintragen. Was darf man damit alles machen? Könnte ich damit 2 Tätigkeiten verbinden? Also z.b Sachen einkaufen und teurer verkaufen. Oder wäre das nur möglich wenn ich da auch ein Video zu mache?
Danke für eure Hilfe.
In fact, you would have had to register your business for a long time, regardless of your actual income, because they do not play a role in business law. However, if you register the trade now from 1.4.24, the trade office will not check this and you will avoid a fine for the delay.
As an activity, you should specify video production. You can also add other activities when registering, such as “Trade with ……”. Then you must list at least the preambles of the product groups you want to trade with (e.g. textiles, cosmetics, electrical appliances, food, etc.). Online marketing does not go because the trade office must know WER WO WAS does. And the trade in jewellery or food is of course quite different to monitor than that with gifts or carpets.
Such a commercial application according to § 14 GewO is valid for an establishment. In order to be allowed to trade in reddish markets, you need a travel business card according to § 55 GewO.
you can always do something. Just tell the employee at the trade office that you’ve earned a minimum of money for 2 years, but it’s only now a real business/supply business.
Apart from that, this is really 0 relevant money for the tax.
Would report me slowly to the trade office at 50-100€ per month.
@ Yes so I think the problem is, however, that the laws say something else. Normally, you would have to register a trade from the time of a winner’s intention. I am not yet at 50 Euros, as I said, a total of 53 Euros. But what I do with the activity can I enter online marketing and then I can also do other activities, e.g., that I buy and sell goods in a small stalk on flea markets. Would that be in there? Don’t know what’s all about marketing. Would like to specify the whole as large as possible.
You haven’t made any profits yet, I guess, because if you’re countering all the equipment you’re using, you’re certainly still in loss. (Laptop, microphone, books…).
In business, you need to specify something like “video production, influencer marketing, video production for youtube, as well as selling and selling goods of all kinds (except food, medicine and alcohol)”
You don’t have to limit yourself to one thing, but you can specify a lot of things.