
Ich habe eine einzige Putz stelle wo ich arbeite seid Jahren. Habe alles Ordnungsgemäß angemeldet da ich eine Rechnung über 900€ ausstelle.

Wie kann man oder mit welcher Kategorie kann man die Anmeldung beim Gewerbeslamt umgehen.

Ich finde das das Gewerbeamt einfach zu teuer ist und ich nur eine einzige Putz stelle als ein Mann bzw. Frau habe.

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

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11 months ago


here several points come together.

As a craftsman, an entry in the craftsmanship is now compulsory, which is also associated with costs from a certain amount of income. However, it is also generally accepted that the craft is used for living, which is associated with higher incomes, so that the costs are usually much lower than your income.

The tax office speaks of “independence” if the self-employed only one(!) Customers have. In fact, this corresponds more to an employee relationship, only that the client (kindergarten) wants to dispense with wage costs and deductions, as well as employee rights (e.g. leave entitlement). In such cases, the tax office is at worst accusing fraud, even if you say everything frankly and honestly.

As a self-employed company, several different customers are important to avoid the accusation of a self-conception. It is also enough to clean every 4 weeks in another private household for pay.

11 months ago

The fee of the Chamber of Crafts has nothing to do with the trade registration.

Building cleaning is now a handicraft (see HwO, Appendix B, No. 33) and therefore you must be registered in the handicraft role. And a fee exemption now only goes up to an annual profit of € 5,200.

11 months ago

There is no self-sufficiency in the case of only one contracting entity and hostage. This is a so-called “skin’s resistance”! Please feel free to do this and do not appeal to those who give you a well-meaned note (see Jurafuchs comment). For, regardless of the trade office and the Chamber of Crafts (which do not consider a legality), the Fiskus sees it differently.

Consistency: definition, criteria, consequences and protection (
Excerpt from the shared link:

Basically, there is self-evidentness when a self-employed person…

  • does not regularly employ an insurance employee and
  • is permanently active for a single client (more than about 83 %) and
  • whose orders give him 5/6 of his turnover

Don’t you have a tax advisor? He would certainly have already pointed you out, or You have to point out.

11 months ago

You don’t have to do it like that, so you’ll have to sign up to the business office.


11 months ago

You can’t handle that. But I would even be able to undermine a self-conception here.

11 months ago
Reply to  Strobl1212

the commercial fee of 259€ per year

I don’t know a trade fee. This can only be the trade tax. And if this is 259€ a year, you will have an annual business income of 31900€. (If this is lower, a calculation error will be present and the annual amount of €24500 will not be deducted from the tax office.

and I have no benefit from it.

in principle you already have a benefit from it. The municipal taxes finance the infrastructure of cities/municipalities you use every day.

11 months ago
Reply to  Strobl1212

Yes, as I said, sounds like a self-conception.

11 months ago

I didn’t talk about profit, but about profit! The profit is only a small part of it.
The membership fee for the Chamber of Crafts has nothing to do with the Office.
Here you should look into the posting order and the explanations for the contribution of the HWK responsible for you (which are usually available online!) and check whether the assessment basis may be. too high. The HWK then read this and would possibly be. to reduce contributions.

11 months ago

Yeah, that’s normal. But has nothing to do with a “commercial fee”.

11 months ago

I’m not doing anything here, I’m just saying what that sounds to me.