Gewerbe, Familiengericht?

Hey ich bin 14 Jahre und möchte mit Dropshipping anfangen. Ich weiß ich brauche die Erlaubnis meiner Eltern und das Familiengericht muss zustimmen meine Frage wäre jetzt wie lange der Prozess dauert und wie hoch die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist dass ich als voll gewerbsfähig ernannt werde und ob es etwas gibt das ich bessere Chancen habe

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1 month ago

It’s up to the respective judge, how long it takes, how much he has to do and how he wants to convince himself of your maturity. So this can be very different from court to court…

1 month ago

A family court will agree only if the business idea is also viable. Because she’s not, you won’t get a positive answer.

1 month ago

you will not be allowed to act as fully ashamed until you are full-year. Only as a limited peelable. You wrote the rest yourself.

At the moment everything takes very long… if you want to get permissions. How long depends on the place of residence.

1 month ago

The business won’t do anything. You’re too young. And in terms of family-friendly…………. Please read how the conditions are. Your business idea alone is not enough.

Well, and if I look at your other questions, you’re not mature enough. This is also tested by the court.

1 month ago

Hmm question your parents prefer and nice day but don’t you have a school?

1 month ago
Reply to  Leaschnell

for example whether they don’t want to support your shame model so that they can be put in themselves and then want to adhere naturally and leave the field to you wide. You could ask, e.g.