Gewerbe Briefe automatisch?
Wenn ich mein eigenes Halal Cafe öffnen möchte, muss ich mich selbst überall anmelden oder bekomme ich dann die Briefe wo ich mein Geld hinschicken soll(steuern)? Brauche ich eine automatische Kasse für die Bestellungen?
Darf ich mal bitte fragen wie viel Netto einem übrig bleiben wenn man jz alles abgezogen hat? Ich bin Steuerklasse 1
Hello coffee,
You really lack a lot of knowledge, I recommend you research with Google in detail, how to establish a company, how to make accounting, etc.
In addition, IHK has free founder seminars.
For your questions only briefly and superficially: (so I should write a lot here)
(1) You register an individual company at the “Competition Office” and you have to send the “Frage Sheet for Tax Collection” to the tax office at Elster.
2) You need a bookkeeping software best with Digital Cash, exactly
3) As an entrepreneur there are no more tax classes
4) How much money remains depends on how high yours Prices are how expensive your purchases/movies etc. are, and how many customers come to you.
You reckon: All yours Rates – all Costs = Your win
From profit you pay your taxes, the more profit the more taxes
5) At the end of the year, you need tax returns and one EÜR send to the financial center, you must have booked everything with the accounting software beforehand.
Helpful answer! I’ll deal with the seminars inshaa’Allah. Can you also recommend books that are comprehensive?
Hello coffee,
Thank you very much! 🙏 😊
I don’t have book recommendations, I got all the autodidact with Google searches & youtube videos, etc.
But here is a really good founding guide:
The manual helps you ask the right questions and research the right topics. 👍
Oh, dear. First, you must have a health certificate according to § 43 IFSG. Commercial registration. Accounting.
With an EÜR you must then transfer revenues & costs to the tax office. This then results in a payment to the tax office
Then there may be a cash check on the part of the tax office. Open cash registers are taboo & then amounts are estimated & your innkeepers.
Looking for a tax advisor.
What about coffee haram?
I can only sell alcohol-free and forbidden meat-free so that it becomes a Halal Cafe. Thank you for your answer
Aeaeah. With this knowledge you should best buy a profound book about it and read it.
Do you have your own business?
I learned in theory about 20 years ago how to run a company. Means: No, I wouldn’t trust it with my knowledge. But when reading your question, I can assure you that there are no gaps in knowledge, these are big holes. Read books! GF is guaranteed to be the wrong medium, unless someone wants to write a 150-page treatise.
Such things cannot be explained in a few seconds, depending on the trade, various offices and organizations are involved.
The tax office is still comparatively harmless, even if most are afraid of it and I assume that you are counting on whether your idea could be a viable business model at all2.
But then…
The last sentence is the most important one, you have to make yourself smart, but this is only where you want to open your café. Because much is a matter of land.
No, he can’t even explain that to you. There it is completely missing from the base. You don’t even know what legal or social form you operate the cafe, as your reference to tax class 1 proves. Then complete accounting. The accountant in me, and he’s pretty devastated, laughs at something when you see your naive question of “letters where you’re supposed to send your tax money”. That’s not what I mean. But all that goes beyond an EÜR income statement should be read by means of specialist literature. Otherwise, I can give you letters and seals that you belong and believe me: no one wants trouble with the tax office. I’m just trying to keep you from stupidity. A good book costs a few days reading time. The question of treating GF knowledge is most likely your existence.
I knew, honestly. I want to be respectful because you’re older than me, but these are questions that someone should have me their own cafe, could answer me in a few seconds. I can also tell myself that I’m supposed to read books, but that doesn’t bring me anything.