Gewerbe anmelden für Porno?
ich habe vor kurzem angefangen Pornos zu drehen und damit bisher etwa 2400€ verdient. Jetzt möchte ich das gerne offiziell betreiben und es stellt sich die Frage ob ich dafür ein Gewerbe anmelden muss oder wie das am Besten mit der Steuer geregelt wird.
In accordance with §138 AO and §14 GewO, you must register your commercial activity with the first act with the competent municipality and the tax office. There are no limits or allowances in tax law or in commercial law. At the tax office, you must submit a questionnaire for tax collection (FsE), which is checked and assigned a tax number to you. For online trading on marketplaces like eBay, you need a VAT ID to prove that you are taxed.
If you need more than 25. The small-scale contractor scheme according to §19 UStG is not eligible for sales. If you are not a small business operator, you will have to submit the sales tax pre-registration to the tax office on the 10th day following the end of the pre-registration period. Regardless of this, you will have to make your income tax statement annually, along with Appendix EÜR, possibly also the business tax statement and sales tax statement.
If you do not register your business (a small business does not exist), this is an offence.
Are you trying the movies and selling them? Or are you actor and get honorary?
As a producer and film publisher, you have to register with the trade office and get taxed at the tax office.
As an actor, you only have to register as an artist at the tax office.
clearly you need to register a trade if you don’t do it. And tax on a tax return as an income income statement.
You should’ve done that strictly. But as long as you are far below the tax-free amount of currently 12k Euro / year and you do not sell real goods, this usually does not arouse any. ^
And again the reference to tax evasion or other offences
How to withdraw taxes if you are under the tax exemption? xD
That’s bullshit. Companies that make losses must also be registered with the trade office (basic: consumer protection and competition protection). Commercial law has nothing to do with taxes and does not know any allowances.
How do you want to know if he is under the tax exemption (the basic amount is called)? The basic amount can already be completely used up by the wage, because all income flows together.
… well…
… spend money on tax advisors…
…Existence-based workshops…etc…
… Register applications…
…at the IHK…
… register with the Güfa…
…close insurance…
… the state now insists on its taxes and charges.
Porn production signable?