Gewerbe anmelden auch unter 450€?
Ich würde gerne meine Zeit die ich so oder so am Computer nutze. Gerne mit etwas produktiven verbringen.
Ich kann so einiges und würde dies auf fiverr anbieten.
Ich habe gelesen das man ein Gewerbe braucht. Aber jedoch auch das man unter 459 Euro oder so bleiben kann und das ohne Gewerbe machen kann.
Denn ich bin 14 und da ist die Gewerbeanmeldung ja nicht so angenehm.
You want to make profits and the business registration is absolutely necessary.
Everything else would be illegal.
So you need one Commercial document and you have to full-year or fully operational be.
In exceptional cases, minors may receive full viability from the family court. You should apply for this together with your parents.
The family court will then check you if you meet all the requirements, so whether you are required ripening and all necessary knowledge (Business plan, taxes, accounting,…)
The fact that a 14-year-old can do all this is rather questionable.
A long-term activity towards profit is an industry, as there are no limits. You also have a liability risk, and the state must protect you from being guilty, for example, by claims for damages.
Therefore, the test under 18 is so knit (family dish) and that is also good.
“I can do so and would offer it on fiver.” Since you are only able to do business within the framework of the so-called pocket money chart without the consent of the family court, you cannot submit effective business offers. Your “businesses” would all be ineffective due to lack of business.
Whoever offers his goods or services there operates a trade. And whoever operates a trade is obliged to display it from the beginning to the trade office. The trade law does not know allowances. Companies that make a loss must also be registered.