Gewalt in der Kindheit?
Sensibles Thema,
Habt ihr in eurer Kindheit, Gewalt durch die Eltern,Geschwister etc. erlebt ? Psychisch und/oder Phisych? Was hat es mit euch gemacht ? Konntet ihr das verarbeiten durch eventuell Therapie? Seit ihr dadurch suchtabhängig geworden?
Ich musste es erleben und es hat bis heute deutliche negative Konsequenzen.
Luckily not. However, I guess I didn’t get the attention and love that you give to your children.
Unfortunately, I learned early that my mother could not start with the truth if it did not correspond to her ideas. That’s why I got to know how to lie very early. I lied and she was satisfied.
But I made it quite different with my children and grandchildren. :
I missed that too. Attention, affection, appreciation,love.
But hopefully it’s going better for you now. :
But I am doing something therapeutic for me 😉
Now I’m just thinking about how to evaluate such an answer. If I’m a “high”, then that could mean that I think it’s bad for you. If I give a “down”, it can be the same.
There should be another “I’m sorry for you.” :
Self-worth and self-love have remained on the track
Too bad.
Not necessarily.
Yes, with me, physical violence was “normal” generational, though not daily. I have not suffered trauma (which is now for God’s sake not to play down the trauma of others), understands me well with my parents and did not need therapy.
May I ask how old you are?
I’ve gotten the butt with the stick. Couldn’t be in pain for hours. It has built up real hatred.
Yes, with sure there are children with whom this was worse than with me – now again without the behavior of my parents somehow talking nicely. I got earfeits, neckcuffs, and the like when I really fucked up shit (which was unfortunately also not unhealthy)….If I consider that there are still parents who have been released daily…naja.
Okay, 40. Yes, unfortunately, it was not unusual to exert violence on children at that time 😔
Yes, I had to experience this in pain and it remained.
So I am
Hope this can help to understand the whole better: