Getriebeschaden S51?

Hallo erstmal, ich fuhr gestern mit meiner S51 Enduro (4gang), die Gängen haben gut geschalten, irgendendwann ging’s aber vom 1 in den 2 nicht mehr, und jz gar nicht mehr. Wenn ich die Kupplung zieh und von den 1 hoch schalte ist es so als würde ich den 2 und 3 überschalten….

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3 years ago

In the transmission from the Simsons I only know “storage damage”.

Due to the helical toothing, the transmission shafts also press laterally against the bearings. Especially in the case of a tinted cylinder or always to two mountains, the camps then give up sometime.

The brother of my buddy has two Simsons and one after another this damage. He disassembled the gears and installed bearings in laborious work, which are even specifically permitted for such a load (not at that time). The ball track is at an angle.

The problem can no longer occur.

3 years ago

Is the foot lever still firmly screwed on the shaft or has the screw fastening loosened?

3 years ago

Remote diagnosis is not possible, let it be checked in the workshop.