Separated egg whites – what to do with them?
Hi guys
One more tip today please:
For many things you have to separate the eggs so that you can use the yolks.
Now the problem is: what do you do with the separated egg whites? It's too good to throw them away. If you cook something with eggs afterwards, you can't just mix them in – because there's too much.
How do you do that?
Hello Norbert,
You can store the protein in the refrigerator for a few days until you cook something you can use.
I often bake a cheesecake with a Baiser layer on top, which is great when you have protein left.
Alternatively, I have already added the protein in vegetables or the like.
Otherwise, you can also make classic egg dishes (seed, …) with a high protein content in relation to the egg yolk if you add 1-2 fresh eggs to the remaining protein.
If necessary, you can freeze the protein until you have a use.
Best regards
Add a little lemon juice, add a sieved powder sugar and dry in an oven at 100 degrees for 1 hour = Baiser.
Baiser, coconut/nut macros, Macarons
Otherwise, you can loosen up pretty much any agitated dough by underlifting it.
In a clean glass in the refrigerator – unless there are “goldfish” in it – it lasts up to three weeks.
Depending on how much protein you have, you can make Baiser out. Or just roast in the pan. As a scrambled egg or omelet of pure protein
Coconut macrons
not only taste in the Christmas season. ;
Often it needs to be beaten up as an egg snow that you lift under the dough to make it more airy.
Otherwise, it could be incorporated into all sorts of food.
roast with herbs and bread.
then you can bake delicious macrons. you just need that.