Getrennte Konten?
Hi 🙂
Ich möchte gerne mal wissen ob es nur mir so geht, mein Freund und ich haben uns darüber unterhalten. Wir beide arbeiten Vollzeit und für mich ist es völlig normal ein gemeinsames Konto zu haben. Nicht weil er mehr verdienen könnte und ich davon profitiere sondern einfach dieses Gemeinsame. Er hingegen ist der Meinung Miete etc alles zu teilen und jeder behält sein Geld auf seinem Konto. Ich finde das irgendwie total ich sage mal unromantisch und komme mir vor wie in einer WG oder unter Freunden. Ich hätte die Summe einfach gemischt und alles bezahlt was bezahlt werden muss und dennoch kann jeder kaufen was er möchte solang alles finanzierbar ist und bei größeren Dingen der andere Bescheid weiß oder man es abspricht, so das man am Ende nicht leer da steht. Mag sein das es viele Vorteile gibt, dennoch hoffe ich es kann irgendwer von euch nachvollziehen und bin nicht die einzige. Das Thema war zwar vor paar Tagen aber beschäftigt mich noch immer. Für mich ist es selbstverständlich das er einfach das kauft was er möchte ich würde ihm niemals was vorschreiben.
there is no right or wrong
My husband and I had separate accounts before marriage, after marriage a common one. With my ex-boyfriend, I would have continued to insist on separate accounts. He liked to buy expensive things spontaneously without talking to me. Once it was an electrician around 800 € (then they were even more expensive), then stood at once as I came home a new huge TV in the dormitor – and once he even bought the neighboring property for 15,000 € (part plot) without telling me what before…
My husband would never do that. all that goes out over 50 € (and what is not a food week shopping) is discussed before.
sorry but for romantic reasons you should not have a common account. that’s the wrong reason. The only right reason is if you can trust yourself completely and also consider larger expenditures. And a living together is also in a relationship like a WG. Everyone must bear part of the costs, each must fulfil its tasks in the household
Many couples then just have 3 accounts. A household account where a large part of the salary is transferred. This will buy everything the entire household needs. And then everyone has a kind of “pouch money account”- The money which is up there he can spend for what he wants – even if the other finds the totally meaningless (e.g. 20 pieces handbag buy).
After you’re not even married, I understand that he doesn’t like a common account.
Even though you were married, I would understand.
Can be really annoying if you’re not the sole master of his money.
And romantic is a bank account so or so not😂
A common account is something common, but also a loss of freedom, because at least the feeling is in the room not to be a single man about “his” money anymore – I would advise unmarried couples about this in general. The compromise could be a common budget account, each of which retains its account, as an alternative only a common cash register (a further account may cost) and just the transfer/calculation of half the cost in all possible things that are debited.
You both see it right. Still, it’s better if it’s clear who’s coming up. You can’t dispose as if “every day is heaven on earth.” At the moment you seem to live in the day. What if you want to make an investment and find that in the past you have spent too much money for unnecessary, so that no money is available? Therefore, you should forge plans about your near and distant future. Then create the financial conditions, quietly with separate accounts, so that each one of you can understand what he has contributed to the success.
How about separate pay accounts and a common household account.
It works very well with me and my better half!
we also have 3 accounts, each one and a common
To be honest, I wouldn’t have any desire to explain why I’m buying something he finds stupid or otherwise.
everyone has his money and can make free what he wants.
I’m on your friend’s side. I want to spend my own money shopping. You’re not married, so I’ll find it too soon to have a common account.
And otherwise I am behind the answer from Waldi2007.
An account itself is not a romantic thing.
How to handle this? Everyone has to decide.
We have separate accounts. Because everyone deserves his money and because everyone does what he wants. We’ll put together with big things. And we finance everyday life very easily, sometimes the one pays, sometimes the other pays.
And if the whole thing goes into the fractures, the money is at least neatly separated.
Because of romance, I certainly don’t put it together 😉