Geträumt dass mein Haustier stirbt. Was bedeutet das?

Ich habe geträumt, da sei ein sehr großer blauer entenschnabliger Fisch, der meine Katze Bebo gegessen hat. Da war mein Plan natürlich den geangelten Fisch, aufzuschneiden um Bebo zu entnehmen, soweit kam ich aber garnicht, da ich meine Mutter um Hilfe bat, die ihn dann aus dem Fisch nahm. Er sah sehr tot aus aber ich war mir eigentlich sicher, er würde noch leben. Dann sah ich, dass sein Kopf fehlte. Stattdessen war dort das obere Ende einer nackten, toten Gans, wie man sie an Festen essen würde.

Ich träumte auch etwas länger her, ich würde den Bebo mehrere 100m weit schleudern, sodass ich dachte, er musste tot sein aber sofort wollte ich ihn natürlich retten gehen :l

Hat das alles eine Bedeutung?

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4 years ago

I’ve had so many such dreams with my cats.

Once I dreamed that my mother cut our cats into slices and once in a dream I tried to break my cat’s neck.

I woke up every time, and I looked straight to see if our cats are good.

Fortunately, I haven’t had such dreams any longer. Unfortunately, I must say that our cat died two weeks ago – we don’t know the cause of death.

I don’t think this has to do with my dreams. He was a freelancer, and every time he walked out, there was a risk he didn’t come back. That’s how life is.

I wouldn’t interpret too much. It was a bad dream, but it wasn’t.

4 years ago

Hey :

I assume that you have no infinite hatred for your cat 🙂
Because then it was just a normal nightmare. Unfortunately, you can’t resist this. But as I said, dreams are not reality, so they are called dreams.


4 years ago

It won’t mean your bebo will die soon. Otherwise, I can’t say anything because dreams and their interpretation are individual.

One of my cats was eaten in a dream by a trained river horse that a magician let go of me. In this way you are not alone with this kind of dream;-)

4 years ago

No, it only suggests an exaggerated fear that something happens to your animal. So relax….Chill out

4 years ago

I don’t think that’s important, but I don’t think that’s important.

4 years ago

I could cry when I read that. Show your bebo how you love him.

Your dream is about losing fears. Please work intensively with Bebo.

4 years ago

Death means you have to leave something.

4 years ago

Only a nightmare