Getiebeöldichtung (Moped Roller) wechseln?

Hi, ich hab mir vor kurzem einen gebrauchtem Roller gekauft und jetzt läuft das Getriebeöl aus. Mein Bruder sagt die Dichtung von der Schraube wäre defekt. Weil ich nicht so viel Geld habe, wollte ich fragen ob jemand weiß wie man diese Dichtung wechselt? Danke für die Antworten schon mal im voraus.

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1 year ago

There is no seal on the screw. She’s probably just loose. Or the screw is broken. It is also possible to use the insert screw (above above the blow screw).

1 year ago

remove oil drain screw and drain oil into a collecting container,

control the thread of the oil drain screw for damage

control the thread in the gear where the oil drain screw was, also for damage

Remove gear lids, remove seal residues and clean the bearing surfaces properly, oil new seals, carefully mount the gear lid (to avoid damage to the new seal) (remove screws against and crosswise)

refill the correct quantity of the correct gear oil (according to user manual or vehicle license)

clean the gear (and the tool) with a flap

then wash hands with soap and brush, and clean

then make a visual inspection of the gear on new oil loss

if nothing is to be seen, and no oil emerges, you have done everything right

and if your brother has only joined you, and you managed to do it on your own, then at least you have learned something (please ask your brother)