Geteiltes Kabelinternet: Virusübertragung möglich?
Wir nutzen einen Kabelinternetanschluss für 2 benachbarte Wohnungen (mit Sat-Kabel Verteiler). Sie sind nicht in einem Netzwerk verbunden und jede Wohnung hat seinen eigenen Router, aber über das Sat-Anschlusskabel sind beide dann eben mit einer gemeinsamen Anschlussdose verbunden
Ist es möglich, dass sich Schadsoftware über das Sat-Anschlusskabel verbreiten kann?
If a virus can spread across the boarder, then of course if you are closer together.
Do you use as a network? A router?
Then you should cut it off well and then a virus has to try to reach the other.
No, we don’t use it as a network. Each apartment has its own router. It is therefore separate but connected to a common connection box via the sat connection cable.
Then this is no other topic than any other internet connection.
Viruses don’t crawl over cables. They are also only data that want to be sent.
This is just as possible as the virus transfer between 2 completely separate internet accesses.
But a lot of fun in a disturbance when a technician sees it, you have to pay for the use of technicians and dissolve the construct. With a bit of bad luck, you’re still bringing disturbances to the entire cable network and the walls that you can then also pay to examine!
No, that’s not possible.
Absolutely possible. You have to worry about your safety.
It is possible, of course.