Gesundes Gewicht bei 171 cm?
Ich bin weiblich/16. Was wäre ein gesundes Gewicht bei der Größe?
Ich bin weiblich/16. Was wäre ein gesundes Gewicht bei der Größe?
Hallo, habt ihr Erfahrungen mit einem headgear? ich hab vor ca zwei Monaten einen bekommen wegen meines Unterbisses und die Schmerzen sind nicht auszuhalten. Ich kann Nachts echt nicht schlafen. Wie lange dauert die Behandlung in etwa? Warum macht man sowas noch bei 15 jährigen? Sollte man das nicht vor dem 10. Lebensjahr machen? lg
Bei mir sinkt der Puls bei Müdigkeit (zB abends oder mittags) manchmal stark ab auf etwas über 50. Ansonsten hab ich immer über 60. Ich bin zwar schlank und komm beim Treppensteigen nicht aus der Puste, treibe aber keinen Sport. Habt ihr abends auch einen Puls unter 60?
will die weibliche Katze den Mann erregen oder was
In einem Video von ihr habe ich nur gesehen, wie sie sie zurück bekommen hat, aber nicht wie sie ihre Periode verloren hat. Wie kann man seine Periode verlieren?
Hey ich liebe halt diese 24 Jährige und wollte mal so eure Meinung hören?
From 56 to c.a 70 loud bmi but best would not be too close to the underweight and overweight vlt so 60
If you follow this link and enter your data, i.e. your size and weight, it will calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). In the table below you can then watch for your sex and age, which BMI is good, too little or too much.
In athletes, however, this is slightly distorted, I say, because due to their higher proportion of muscle mass, they can also get a higher BMI without being overweight.
You take your last 2 numbers in your size, you have an approximate dimension
Besides, if a woman is not willing to change for her, she does not respect him or simply cannot. Trying is good enough. But don’t do anything and expect that a prinny ride past nm white horse is ridiculous
Wtf no. 72kg? For a woman?! Naah more 60 – 65kg
Eh, whatever.
Then your image about women or girls is also normal
God I have discussed with nem 10 years younger now I feel bad
But no matter we have 2 different opinions that I respect and is good🤝🏽
I’m 26 and you? Don’t worry, I don’t fall on the snout, I’ve always come very far with my kind.
Do you think I care what you think about me or whether I have 60kg or not? Oh, my God, you keep pretending every woman’s aching something guys think so great since she didn’t…
Yes with the thing you’re right, I’ve never changed anything in my life to please who but has always come as I am, I’m proud that my ego is big enough to know what I’m worth 🤷🏻 ♀️ ♀️
Is it possible that you’ve always met only women with bad self-esteem and have never even given you any confidence?
But I am not 6 but to come back to you with the Chancellor 😛
I’ve never snatched that I want the best. Just not the worst it is just ka as you understand the nihct.
Okay? And what does it have to do with a president in Germany? But what do you think of it when we leave it here, the disskusiib is meaningless. One last question, how old are you that you already have such an attitude from men. Because you can fly pretty hard on did schnauze with this
If a woman wants to find it attractive, she should do something for it. I don’t care if according to your words all women think the men will run after them without doing anything in opposition. What about this disabled job? You say indirectly that if poor fat is that it is the fault of ddn youngs that they don’t want them. And different. Jtz I don’t believe you a word about 60kg or something as a sporty and male person I notice bullshit when I see it. Never in life have you changed something to yourself for better with such an attitude. With such a setting you encourage women to accentuate the fat is ok because eh all men pay attention to personality looool. Don’t do it and that’s a fact
PS Olaf Scholz became a German Chancellor on 08.
That was a joke on your joke… but I know I’m not good at jokes.
I’ve said everyone type says that “often” doesn’t mean everyone says it because of the same reason Jesus Christ thinkk after once
Why would a woman change for a man? We don’t live to please you what you think xD
The next thing is that women should be in the kitchen and take care of the children
And as said not everyone is as superficial as you and just wants the best of the best, don’t understand how you don’t understand.
You’re 6 or something. It was a sweat because it sounds as unbelievable as the fact that you are “happy” in a “relationship”. In addition, Germany has a ministerial president and Chancellor🤦
If you are the president I am glad to live in a country where there is a Chancellor xD
Yes “Everyone” omg because all human beings are equal xD why then are there drawn relationships that prove the opposite?
Like I said a lot of fun with your superficial and enclosed way, that’s really too childish to me with you alone that you’re all pushing in a drawer.
So say the difference between the threes.
Oh, yeah. And I am president
Like I’ve been in a glynic relationship for a few years, you don’t have to tell me about love and adore what the hell xD
Every type says that often to come over to the next potentielen relationship partner. I’m a young man I know how most people think.
Not every guy thinks like you…Now you put any claims on which you close xD
But then I’m glad I’ve had other experience than you.
Am I upset you because I have my attractiveness standards? I didn’t give up the body hole attractiveness anything with love and a healthy relationship. You don’t catch the difference between attractiveness, love, and tightness. Learning the Difference
And you just notice your arguments that you’re not different from the girls I’m writing. So much fun nh good relationship to have “mrs pretty girl” as a boy who doesn’t just want sex I can also say youngs want to have with no one for nhn longer period nh relationship the such weird argumente out of context gives.
I don’t think that I have many male friends who don’t have a girlfriend who have 90/60/90 or 65kg and that’s not because they don’t get better but that they’re smart enough to know the superficiality doesn’t last longer.
The only one that excites me is here you, not generally men.
You tell me that I assume that all the men are assholes, but you’re putting women as if they were all superficial and just want the best of the best? Yeah, probably because you want that.
I have been forgiven for five years with a man who is 3cm smaller than me;)
But you also pretend young’s only perfect girls date. You’re going from things you’ve got kdine. When did I mention ye that I was just perfect girl date huh? I didn’t. I say the most medically fit and the most perfect body weight for this size. I just feel so hard you don’t argue anymore. It’s ridiculous people like you think it’s about the young the thick girl is often not addressed directly. Maybe stop crying around and his body tends into his hands.
I don’t care. Attractiveness is physical, security mental. If you want to talk to men change yourself and don’t get away from that all men are assholes because they want better. You girls also want only 2m large well-built or thin pretty boys. There it is nigt *body shameing* but as soon as a boy says: I don’t want to appeal to thick girls it says *BOdYShAminG*
Then I’m glad that I have the specified weight to size ratios that you feel good, so I don’t have to worry about my settings either.
Of course, everyone is pretty in his way that is not dependent on a pair of kilos more or a few. But good luck with your superficial type, can only tell you that this is very bad for both thin and curvy women
As soon as one accepts his situation, how thick one is, one has lost the men running away from reality. people who want to be better and better accept their fail and try and keep improving. But they accept reality. People who do not accept reality run away from her and accept her fail after the first attempt. That makes the difference between people like me and you.
The sense of being a person is to become the best version of himself. These are honorable people who strive for better despite their physical oppression.
60kg isn’t thin wtf you don’t kappier loud everyone is the perfect weight at 170cm only you have some bumblebee in the ass. +ja it’s MY I repeat MMMEEIINNNE standards in a woman of this size. Because of people like you, there’s discrimination because you’re not capturing that it’s a fact that the 60 _ 65kg is perfect for this size probably you are like this: all are pretty in their way. No, they’re not. People with this attitude will never have the motivation to change because they think that problem is in others, in the opinions of others. Reality is that if a person is fat she rarely finds someone attractive physically. It’s like that.
Yes, of course, everyone here says because everyone wants the best of the best.
If that’s how you say that and the weight is appropriate? Of course you set up your standards or what you think is correct.
I mean, it’s not appropriate to have something more on the hip.
Also says every 60kg – 65kg in the comments xD
I never say anything right or wrong. Like you’re 12 or something? Feels like I’m talking to nm npc lol
My answer is based on medical basis. What standards do I say just what is optimal with their size. You are probably so nh person who thinks it would be racist if you don’t like black tea or discriminatory if you don’t want to have a relationship with an overweight girl. If I decide to stand, why does she ask that question? Just to hear comments* you won’t
I’m not toxic I’m just saying that it doesn’t matter if a few kilos more or less, you mean building any standards for others here and pretending what’s right and wrong.
No. 60kg has healthy proportion of fat in women who are q70cm tall. Go shaking before you get toxic about any bs
Nö in your last comment was no longer specific about the contribution but generally women
You are loose someone of women who have a little more than fat and ugly
For a woman who is 170cm tall it is appropriate. What the question was you depp. You just notice your iq is under room temperature if you don’t tell anyone interested it was the whole question.
Who are you able to say this weight is appropriate for any woman? I don’t think you have the right and nobody cares what you think is appropriate.
And 60kg is very appropriate for a woman
Eh yes make it 5 – 6 kg is a huge difference optical
Do 5-6kg brate fat? Besides, you don’t have to generalize a certain weight, not everyone wants to be skinny.
Hello Lina987654,
Your ideal weight is between 52 and 66 kilograms for a 16-year-old girl at a height of 171 centimeters.
Greetings, Elvis!
52 would be underweight normal weight from 56 c.a.