Gesunder liefer Service für jeden Tag?
Ich muss bald ins Krankenhaus wegen meiner Entbindung und bin dabei zu planen. Ich überlege paar Sachen vorzukochen. Ich will mein Mann oder meine Mutter ungern in der Küche haben die spritzen dann mit Öl und übersehen die Öl Flecken, und wischen nur oberflächlich, nicht gründlich, machen die teuren Messer in die Spülmaschine, die dann stumpf werden, kleckern die Türen voll, Mir sträubt das Haar wenn ich weg bin allein wegen der Küche. Ich bin sehr sauber was die Küche betrifft. Ich habe mein Mann Gesagt er kann sich doch essen auf Rädern für den ganzen Monat bestellen, da gibt es echt gesunde Auswahl habe schon nach gefragt. Er sagt das machen nur Rentner. Gibt es noch andere lieferservices?
For the money that costs food on wheels, you can also enjoy a cleaning woman.
I think your problem is pure headache. Your husband managed to testify to a child and will soon be a father. I think he’ll be able to get some food for a few weeks and clean the kitchen?
There is nothing to add to it… 😉
Cook before, eat and be glad your husband will take care of you in the weekbed. Do you have any idea what it costs to have food delivered every day? And what about your son, is he eating all of it?
Your Myou must also live with lowering costs.
Once your child is in the world, you will soon be putting things in the foreground than your kitchen…
The priorities in your life will shift extremely:
Probably you will be very grateful to your family for helping you – among other things – also in the kitchen!
All the best for the release – and for the release!
Each delivery service also brings salads
Many delivery services also bring fish dishes, runs and vegetarian food
Simply enter the address at and see who delivers it in the area.
By the way, knives in the dishwasher are not blunt. is a myth like the spoon in the bottle neck of the champagne bottle. 😉
Obviously you have an extreme account!
Just relax and focus on your child.
You’re not responsible for everything, and the kitchen doesn’t go over the Jordan if it’s not all lightning. You can clean up later.
Your husband and mother-in-law are grown-up people who can do it even without eating on wheels.