Gesunde Ernährung?
Liebe Community,
Ich habe durch die Schwangerschaft leider 83 kg gewogen bei einer Größe von 1,77m ( bin 19 Jahre alt) mein Ursprungsgewicht waren glatte 63 kg und die möchte ich natürlich schnellstmöglich zurück haben …
Meine Frage daher: was sagt ihr zu dem Anfang und was meint ihr wie lange ich brauchen werde um meine 63 Kilo zurück zu bekommen ?
Start 20.11.23 : 74,8kg
2 Eier, Brotchips, Schokolade, Wasser mit Geschmack
21.11.23 morgens: 74,4kg ; abends: 74,3kg
4 Eier, Salzstangen, Wasser mit Geschmack
22.11.23 morgens: 73,7kg ; abends: 73,9kg
Energy, Wasser mit Geschmack, ein paar Nudeln mit Spinat, Frischkäse, Hirtenkäse,Tomaten
23.11.23 morgens: 73,3kg ; abends : 73,3kg
200g Kalorienarm Quark, Salzstangen, Wasser mit Geschmack, 6 Dominosteine
24.11.23 morgens: 72,9kg ; abends: 73,3kg
100g Pudding Kalorienarm, Heidelbeeren, Wasser mit Geschmack, Brötchen mit Remoulade & Ei & Tomate& Hirtenkäse, Schokoriegel
25.11.23 morgens: 73,5kg ; abends: 73,2 kg
10 Dominosteine, Heidelbeeren, Wasser mit Geschmack, Brotchips
, Schokoriegel
Liebe Grüße
Your whole listing doesn’t matter, it’s about the caloric deficit, but of course still had to observe the stilling time and everything.
So don’t let it go completely.
And the second thing that’s probably important to you is pelvic floor training, that’ll fix everything down.
I don’t silence
This listing is very nice, but GF is not a calorie calculator.
You need a clue deficit. Then you take off. Otherwise not. So you have to deal with calories. Enter everything in a calorie calculator and see if it fits or not.
For the first time you need to know how high your calories are to lose weight. It doesn’t work without that.
Then make 3 breakfasts, lunches and evening recipes. You’re about to deal with it 1x, and then you’re not. No intermediate meal and then you take off.
It’s absolutely nothing healthy. And it’s too little.
That sounds depressing. It’s too little and nothing sounds balanced.
So I have no idea if you should starve so much in the silence, but this is your task to decide.
I would recommend using a calorie tracker. There are some apps, such as Lifesim or Yazio, which are relatively reliable.
The best way to keep your weight is to take off with a moderate deficit of about 300-500 kcal. If you do a lot of sport, your need increases, so that should be taken into account in the deficit.
Your diet should be balanced and contain little industrial sugar. Once a piece of chocolate is fine, but also has a lot of calories for the small amount.
Gradually, you should deal with the ingredients of your food. Carbs, proteins and fats should be absorbed in a good ratio.
You don’t have to switch to any shakes or garbage. Change what you take with you gradually so that it fits.