Gesunde Ernährung?
welches und wie viel Obst und Gemüse sollte man pro Tag essen?
welches und wie viel Obst und Gemüse sollte man pro Tag essen?
Hi, ich möchte jetzt von Push Pull Leg auf Push FB Pull FB wechseln, da ich seit Ende der Ferien wieder weniger Zeit habe… Wie kann ich Beinübungen in Push und Pull unterteilen, die sind doch fast alle Push? Beinpresse, Wadenheben, Beinstrecker, Adduktoren würde ich alles Push zuordnen, nur Beinbeuger fällt mir für Pull ein……
Wie finde ich Motivation um vom oberen zum unteren Bild zu kommen? Ich möchte es unbedingt in ganz kurzer zeit schaffen. Dieses Bild unten ist noch nicht übergewicht ider. Wenn ich jeden Tag 2000 kalorien zu viel esse wie lange würde es dann dauern ohne bewegung?
Hey Leute habe hier Riesen Auswahl an essen von verschiedenen Fleisch Sorten bis zu allen Obst und Gemüse also wirklich alles was, isst man zum abnehmen?
Weil das irgendwie gefährlich werden kann?
Ich bin absolut kein Fleisch Esser aber seit der Schwangerschaft esse ich komisches Zeug. Mein Mann hat mir von Burgerking ein Burger mitgebracht, als ich ein Biss nahm war er sehr trocken. Ich habe mir das Fleisch angeschaut und es war an manchen Stellen schwarz (verbrannt) habe ein bisschen runter geschluckt weil ich im fress…
Many say five portions and varied, so different colors can be at the touch point 🌈, I don’t say that is wrong, but today it’s so underrated to listen to his own feeling (various is nevertheless important, but not only in fruit). If you don’t listen to it in the long term, you’ll break it. Normally, the body knows what it needs, you feel like it (e.g., you can have increased appetite for bananas that you could have a potassium mound).
There are so many studies that you should eat when, one compares several contradicts these often. for example fasting, can be good, but if you tilt (almost) it is for one person not the true one.
find out what is good for you, and if it deviates from the “standard” it can do you good.
Basically, no matter what, eats after pleasure and mood, most often the body knows best what it needs
So important and underrated
As was written, five portions of fruit and vegetables. Best two handful fruits and three handful vegetables… According to the rainbow 🌈 principle so daily some red, oranges, yellow, green and lilanes (e.g. tomato 🍅 , carrot 🥕 , banana 🍌, salad 🍃 and berry 🫐), there are also great pictures on the internet where many fruits and vegetables are sorted by colors – if you don’t like anything 😆
Great information and recipes for healthy nutrition can be found in the nutritional dossiers
2The German Society for Nutrition recommends eating at least three servings of vegetables (circa 400 grams) and two servings of fruit (circa 250 grams).
A portion is about as much as fits in a palm. It is important to eat different varieties of vegetables and fruits as they contain different nutrients.”
1.5 kilos a day. Varied, fresh and as far as possible from biodynamic cultivation.
1.5 kilos per day makes 47 million tonnes of organic vegetables annually for 85 million inhabitants in Germany. But much less are produced and imported.
May the pöbel dispense with the organic vegetables? He has other status symbols
Everyone can feed as he thinks 😉 I’d rather sit somewhere else. Are you counting as a pöbel?
It means five times a day fruit. But I’m far away from it and eat fruit at least once a day.
It means a maximum of two portions of fruit a day, which is quite a lot. It may be less.
Five portions of vegetables are to be eaten.
Fruit not at all and if, then berries, because these contain little sugar.
Vegetables so much. Any variety.
Hello I’m eating on what I got bock