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Did you have to be careful and not clean at the back?!
Can you brush your teeth after a wisdom tooth surgery?
In the first ten days After the Operation of teeth around the wound not put up. The rest of the mouth already. After rinse gently for about 24 hours with an antibacterial mouth rinse, so that the operated site does not ignite. After first use only a soft toothbrush for the first ten days.
After the Wisdom-tooth-OP –
You should have cleaned yesterday. Just right around the wound around it you should avoid the area until the threads were pulled.
Can I easily go over with the brush
If you want the wound cured well, I’d rather leave it. Use camomile tea to rinse
yes, but carefully around the wound
Can I easily go over the wound
Better not. It takes a few days until it heals to such an extent that you can clean the neighboring tooth better again, until then save it or just brush the surfaces you can reach without touching the wound.
Yeah, you can and should. Of course, you have to clean gently and carefully on the wound.
Can I easily get over the wound
But only very carefully