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1 year ago

From the press release of the Federal Ministry of Justice on the new right of assistance from 1.1.2023:

Observation of desire: In the new right of care, it is clear that the caregiver has to get the affairs of the caregiver in such a way that they can shape their lives according to their wishes within the scope of their possibilities. The supervisor shall only make use of his representative power, if necessary. The supervisor must, through regular personal contacts and discussion of pending decisions, make a picture of what the person concerned has and what it does not want. The supervisor must comply with the determined wishes of the supervised person within the statutory limits and legally support them in their implementation (§ 1821 BGB). Releases/DE/2022


The corresponding law can be found here:

1 year ago

You have the chance to see your account running regardless of the maintainer. Likewise, you have the right to view the annual accounts and to examine next to the court.
The supervisor is obliged to create an annual accounting. There is no obligation to produce these accounts monthly.

However, you can discuss with your supervisor that you want to view the documents monthly. It should not be a problem that you see your documents in his office monthly.

1 year ago

Actually, yes. If he doesn’t want to, turn to the court of custody, he must account for every year. And if he doesn’t fit you, you can also make an application for caregivers.