Gesetzliche Fahrtauglichkeitspflicht für Senioren?
Der Artikel über eine geplante gesetzliche Fahrtauglichkeitsüberprüfung vonseiten der EU hat mich aufgeschreckt. Habe selber meinen Führerschein seit 1968 mein jetziger Führerschein im Scheckkartenformat ausgestellt 2005 und von der EU Führerscheinumtauschpflicht bis 2033 befreit da ich Jahrgang 1949 bin seither niemals drogen oder alkoholbedingt Unfälle oder sonstige Unfälle verursacht fahre selber sehr umsichtig und sehr sicher seit vielen Jahrzehnten meinen PKW . Jetzt plant die EU einen verpflichtenden Fahrtauglichkeittest.Ab wann soll diese Fahrtaulichkeitspflicht gelten? ist damit schon Januar 2024 zu rechnen das es eingeführt wird? Wenn ja dann werde ich das Autofahren aufgeben obwohl es mir sehr schwer fallen würde denn ich benutze meinen Wagen viel zum Einkaufen , aber diesen bürokratischen Aufwand mache ich aber nicht mit.
If so, I will give up the car driving though it would be very difficult for me because I use my car a lot for shopping, but I do not take this bureaucratic effort.
Everyone’s free. But it should be noted here that there are other countries which have a much more restrictive system. Like the USA. In the 1980s I lived there. It was already common in West Virginia that the driver’s license had to be completely re-enacted every five years (at an uneven year of birth) or every seven years (at a straight year of birth).
I don’t have to stop driving, especially because I want to follow my hobbies during my retirement, and I need a vehicle for transportation.
In addition, it is not yet clear to what extent this roadworthiness test is to take place. So let the church in the village first.
For example, from 1 January 2924 all over 70 are to be tested for driving suitability.How many 70-year-olds are there alone in Munich who are all driving cars and not everyone has the driving licence only since 2013, how is this all to take place?
These EU bureaucrats should be crafted. In my opinion, if one examines the visual force at times, it is o.k.
Isn’t that supposed to depend on whether the danger of accidents with the age rises mecrlich? I simply assume that it is not just for reasons of age discrimination
First of all, I have to deal with an error: You’re not “freed” from the license exchange. Because you already have a card driver’s license, it must be exchanged according to Appendix 8e of the driving licence regulation until 19.01.2028.
To the real problem: I understand what you’re talking about, but safety must be. I would not, however, reduce this to a certain age, but all of this study. All the other would be an age discrimination from my point of view. Even younger people can be so seriously ill that they are unfit for driving, such as me, who I am only 50. I could still die for decades.
There is not yet an introduction date. The EU could indeed introduce it this year, but then Germany still has to implement it in national law. And that can take time.
However, since I am born in 1949, as a card driver’s license holder, I have to exchange it only from 19.01.2033, as far as I have been informed of this since the latest, because this regulation applies to persons born before 1953.
In my case, I have just made sure that the most recent regulation of the Federal Government’s 24/02/2023 is that only 2033 of the exchange of the card driver’s license
Actually, I haven’t seen it yet. Thanks for the hint.
God’s mills and those of the EU are grinding slowly.
You don’t have to fear a simple hearing, vision and reaction test. Everything else would be too expensive.
With 78 my senses still work very well, and after Easter I drive to Andalusia for the 50th time with the car.
So we do not have to expect the introduction of such a law at the beginning of next year?
You can’t exclude it, but I don’t expect it.
My senses also work very well gottseidank with 73
Why come on now??
Was it time and when it was implemented?
It is a pure DEVELOPMENT
And there are countries there that are already going and there is no one going on
if you’re not driving, you should miss driving.
I am fully mobile without restriction
Then why are you afraid of a test?
Because it always depends on how the expert judges that if my nose doesn’t taste, he can only arbitrarily doubt my rideability and that is crucial
I support the law.
What are you afraid of?
You write yourself that you’re still driving. I don’t understand you.
Do you also care for such a tricky exam
In many European neighbouring countries – in contrast to Germany – regular health checks are required for older drivers.
InSwitzerlandall drivers of the vehicle aged 75 years and more every two years are subject to medical control (testing the driving ability) with their physician.
In theNetherlandsthere is an attest spotlight. This is also valid from 75, but only every five years is checked to see if you are still fit enough to drive a car. Car drivers inDenmarkmust be tested annually from 80.
InItalypeople under 50 have to control every ten years. From the age of 50, the intervals become shorter – then you have to extend the driving licence every five years, from 70 every three years and from 80 then every two years. InSpainthe health test is compulsory from 65 years and every five years.
Portugalalready orders a test from 50 years, initially every five years. The period shall be two years from 70. AlsoCzech Republicobliges 60-year-olds to be checked every five years, after which the intervals will be reduced with increasing age
Here, as with every exam, it’s crucial which official reviewer you get caught when I’m unhappy with my nose, he can easily explain me inappropriate for driving, I’m practically delivered to it without which I could resist.
Then bring delicious cappuccino and break the ice
The implementation will fail or take years.
I wouldn’t just give up like that. You could complain or completely ignore this bullshit. There will be enormous resistance
Why bureaucracy? Maybe this is already the test 😂
I don’t quite understand what a vision test should be so dreadful every five years.
It is not just a vision test alone, there are many other criteria that come into such a review and that must be publicly blessed.