Failed the journeyman's exam, still work?
Hello, if you don't pass the journeyman's exam but have passed all the other theory parts, can you still find a job in that field or elsewhere, or are you back to square one after the three years of training?
Good Friday night,
after about 6 months, you go to check again and as long as you have time to learn – at least a few weeks actively.
Depending on how many points are missing, there are only a few missing points in the oral – which takes place after 2-3 weeks, so that the examination falls after 6 months – if one exists.
Then you stay in your apprenticeship and repeat the exam. No teacher likes to see if his trainees go away from him without conclusion. You count outside then as unskilled. You have nothing to prove. An azuub of mine is also raced by the test. So, let’s repeat this.
You can work in spite of this, but you’re considered to be “ungelernter”.
Tests can be repeated.
Then you just fell through and can either make your teaching longer or have spent 3.5 years
You can! There are also the builders! ABER! If your situation is that you didn’t pass the Gesellenprüfung, you can retrieve it after 6 months. Do it!
Maybe you have frustration now! You know that. But better retaliate. Your future I will thank you!
But also only 1-2 times repeatable, then the end is also
No. Then there’s no end. You just have to go to another federal state. You can repeat that. My buddy screwed the exam in Berlin 3x. But thirsty try again three times in Brandenburg. If he hadn’t done it, he could have gone to Meck-Pomm or Hamburg. You can try it three times in all 16 federal states. So you tried a total of 48.
First you get a second chance. Your training is extended by half a year.
You’re not a scout, and you don’t have any vocational training.
Jobs can be found, but surely will not be paid like a shackle.
Something like consulting or selling is that possible?
Single case, one cannot say a flat-rate
You’re not at zero. You repeat your exam, usually only in the non-existing subjects
That’s right, but the repetition isn’t to exist.
You can do that. I have to repeat. But mine is not half a year, but next summer
I can’t improve the rest. Must only repeat three compartments of 10
Do you! Knowing strengths and improving the rest 👍👍
Hello, Krawda. 😊
Do not throw the Flinte into the grain….
You stay with your apprenticeship and repeat the theory.
You can do that.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
you start the repetition check, and there is.
then have the secret letter and can start.
without existence, stay forever an unskilled worker
Is it possible to work in the sale or the like or to get into the cross? Because my colleague likes to work
Much. with minimum wage – his decision and thus missed any chances of ascent