Geschwollene schmerzhafte Finger?
Da heute Wochenende ist,wollte ich hier mal nachfragen ob einer von euch mir da helfen kann mir meine Angst zu nehmen. Mache mich aktuell verrückt deswegen. Aber eigentlich Schwachsinn,denke ich mal, damit heute zum Arzt zu gehen.Gestern Abend fing mein linker Zeigefinger an, plötzlich zu schmerzen. Auch bei Berührungen des Fingers brennt es,die schmerzen sind wie Nadelstiche. Heute morgen ist der Finger komplett geschwollen und schwer nur noch zu bewegen. Habe keinerlei Verletzung am Finger. Vorhin war der Finger richtig kalt,das der sich schon kurze Zeit blau verfärbt hat.
Bitte nur ernstgemeinte Antworten
This is your body and your health. Why do you hesitate? In your finger, what’s not normal. What triggered this reaction? You don’t know – so let a doctor look at it.
It is now your decision whether you are waiting until Monday or whether you are an emergency today.
To me, that sounds honestly like a gout or I think this is the most likely explanation from the distance.
I would definitely go to the doctor because it’s obvious there’s something wrong.
Especially if you continue to be in pain, it should be a doctor!
Thanks, wanted to contact my home doctor on Monday
This is definitely a good idea! 👍
Until then, drink a lot and maybe eat only a little or no meat for security reasons if it is really gout – and otherwise it doesn’t hurt.
Yes, after about 1 week the swelling went away again
It’s really a problem. It has long since been known that stress and mental illnesses can additionally worsen physical illnesses. This, of course, does not change the physical condition.
I’m at least glad to hear you have a good home doctor. You will definitely find a good solution to the problem!
Is that the last time it left alone?
Thank you. A short time had been suspected of rheumatism. But I say by stigmatization it is catastrophic for me to go to doctors. Of course I’m in permanent stress. But my psychologist said that the psyche couldn’t create an inflammation. But it’s bad if you don’t get taken seriously, even though it’s clear. And everything suddenly is psychosomatic
Oh, you’ve had this before and they found in the hospital, that’s just mentally conditioned?
The psyche can do a lot, especially about the distribution of stress hormones. In depression, for example, the body’s cortisol can be increased.
However, this tends to lead to a general increase in weight, not to a swelling of a single finger. At least that would be new to me.
In any case, I would be with your doctor on Monday, who is convinced that something is wrong.
Perhaps she can refer you to a specialist who examines this more closely and (hopefully) takes you more seriously than the hospital?
Thank you. Fortunately, I eat meat very rarely. I definitely have the raynould syndrome. But I can’t imagine it could be that. A couple of months ago, I had the same thing. Over 1 week the fingers on the left hand had become a balloon. My doctor sent me to the hospital. Suspicion of her severe blood circulation disorders. But as I also suffer from depression, the hospital meant,Psyche. Unfortunately, many doctors are stigmatized. My psychologist and home doctor definitely meant nothing psychosomatic. But that’s why I’m worried about a doctor
Do you work a lot on the laptop or play games?
If I type and write a lot, the fingers hurt me.
Especially the index finger…click from the mouse or the touchpad.
No, that’s not the case with me.
Then get your advice at the medical emergency service as you should behave. Call the 116 117. Medical emergency service throughout Germany.
Thank you, will observe it a little and then accept your advice