Geschlechtsverkehr mit Vorhautverengung?


Ich, m | 18, hatte vor ein paar Wochen nach längerer, erfolgloser “Salbentherapie” eine Frenulotomie… Trotz dieses kleinen Eingriffs lässt sich meine Vorhaut im steifen Zustand nicht ganz hinter die Eichel ziehen bzw. es bildet sich dabei ein Schnürring.

Wie kann ich nun trotzdem Geschlechtsverkehr haben? Lasse ich die Vorhaut unterm Kondom einfach vorne? Ohne geht ja auch nicht…

Mein Arzt hat mir übrigens von einer Beschneidung abgeraten, da ja bekanntermaßen etliche Nerven etc. beschädigt werden usw.

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1 year ago

Please get a second opinion from another doctor. And be honest with him, and report about your lace ring. For who can’t be life-threatening for you. What will inevitably lead to circumcision. You can also discuss treatment methods with the doctor.

Can’t understand that your doctor is trying to get rid of circumcision in a lace ring. And it’s behind there, as we know, nerves are damaged. Think you’ve read this more often, and that’s why you’re afraid of this step.

My personal opinion

1 year ago

That was a reasonable doctor for once. On the other hand, if your foreskin is still too tight, you are not helped either. Whether with or without condoms, the foreskin can tear in during sex. On the one hand, this hurts, but heals again. However, each cured wound leaves scar tissue, and this is no longer stretchable. It follows that with each crack in the fore skin, everything becomes even more narrow. And it can’t be. Maybe you talk to a second doctor and listen to his opinion.

11 months ago

You can gently stretch your foreskin in warm water or with a cortisone ointment. But slowly and cautiously so no cracks are created that can scare. Scars can be stretched badly. This is a long process but it is worth it. Cutting is the dumbest thing you can do there’s your doctor right. Frequent masturbation also contributes to the expansion of the pre-skin. M

1 year ago

I don’t think that a doctor would be distracted from a circumcision when the foreskin forms a constriction. Can you be afraid of Op?

1 year ago

It can be really stupid to have sex with a Phimosis. Depends on how strong the preskin narrowing is. Condoms are also more likely to tear when the front skin remains.

1 year ago

It is fundamentally honorable by a doctor to take the precautionary principle seriously. However, there are also doctors who push this caution against fear of their own responsibility or even surgical incompetence. After what you sign, you have to do with such a doctor.

Of course, a fore skin can be a nice thing. But only if it works as if. And this includes that it can be moved unconditionally before and back in any condition of the penis — only then it fulfills its biological purpose.

If this is not the case, also in the previous-after comparison makes a cut penis much more joy. It is true that the skin areas removed also contain lust nerves which are then away. But also a trimmed penis has enough perceptibility to over-foaming pleasure, for which your head is ultimately responsible and responsible.

Do not let yourself be crazy about the horror stories about supposedly compelling consequences of circumcision and look for a doctor who is willing and able to trim you competently. According to the experience of most trimmings, the transition to a cut penis is the easiest with a tight trim.

By the way: if you want to be sure to lose as little lust-sensitive skin as possible despite circumcision, let high&tight cut you. Then a large part of the inner foreskin is preserved and becomes a new part of the outer penis shell — all nerves still there. (Google helps)

In Germany it is necessary to find a bit to find someone who does so, because in training (for good medical reasons) the complete removal of the inner foreskin is also taught.

At Eurocirc, you can recommend someone who cuts high&tight; they have a list of recommended addresses throughout Germany. In addition, most trimmed men are also very satisfied with the German standard variant.

Just courage!

1 year ago

Then look for another doctor as if a laceration ring is formed, then it can become very dangerous if the blood supply of the acorn is interrupted by the laceration ring.