Geschichte: Welche Thematik aus der Vergangenheit interessiert dich am meisten?


im Grunde steht die Frage schon oben, aber hier noch einmal ausführlicher:

Für welche Themen – egal ob eine Epoche, bestimmte Ereignisse, einzelne Personen, damalige Politik etc. – aus der Vergangenheit habt ihr ein besonderes Interesse oder das größte Wissen und könntet aus dem Stegreif Stunden erzählen?

Würde mich mal sehr interessieren.


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1 year ago

I’ve always been interested in the local history of how people lived in the place where I live now. Also what happened here is what past certain buildings have etc.

The local reference to the whole story makes history achievable and imaginable for me. I can watch a marketplace today with shops and parking spaces and introduce myself to the outlets there in the Middle Ages.

I have lived in 2 places in Germany for more than 20 years, both had a history up to the early history with finds, land monuments etc.

1 year ago

I am particularly interested in the old history of how the human being (coming from Africa) has conquered the various habitats and adapted themselves there. The colonization of the New World, or the colonization of Madagascar over the ocean (starting from Borneo).

The sailors from the Philippines-Indonesian area were remarkable, they colonized not only Madagascar (away!), but also the coasts of New Guinea and many islands in the Pacific (Hawai’i, Rapa Nui and others). The Maori New Zealands are also included.

I also like myths and legends of the indigenous peoples. That’s what you learn.

1 year ago
Reply to  OlliBjoern

The history of mining.

1 year ago

Amerigo Vespucchi, James Cook, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Bartolomeu Dias…I could continue the list for a long time, but it should also be so clear that the “famous seafarers” have been interested in me since early youth.

It has been shaped in a certain way for my life, because I always want to know what is behind the next curve and the way to the finish.

In addition, I am always interested in the national history of the respective place of service because the contact with the population creates and is perceived as a sign of appreciation.

1 year ago

Prussia and the Empire

1 year ago

The time of the first conquests in America. So not Columbus, but Hernan Cortes. I also care how the Indians lived before the arrival of Europeans. I’m so interested that I wrote two books about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  unplugged2611

If you’re interested, write me privately. Then I’ll send you the link.

1 year ago


1 year ago


10 months ago
Reply to  Fitnesssuchtie

I find super ♥ ♥️🇮🇱. Thank you for your contribution

1 year ago

This is constantly changing, or if I don’t know what I haven’t read about a subject.

The world wars were very interested in me, but also in Vietnam and the 30-year war. I looked very closely at the history and the RAF’s career.

1 year ago

I am interested in the different reasons for a start of war?

Most of them are far-fetched and based on lies, others are forced by actions that practically triggered a preventive war, which is naturally also condemned, but the reasons for this are being played down for purpose. Thus, this is a wide field and shows the lie, which are the starting point of the politics of several laenders on earth.

1 year ago
Reply to  zetra

Most of them are far-fetched and based on lies …

Like NATO’s eastward enlargement.

1 year ago

I find the role of women in history generally interesting, because it was really too long.

1 year ago

De question – why the Neanderthals have died!

1 year ago
Reply to  twinax

Do you know the Sexy Neandertal theory?

1 year ago
Reply to  Reinkanation
