Geschichte und Kultur der Indianer?
Hallo, können ihr mir helfen bitte ich hab die Fragen nicht so gut verstanden.
vielen Dank für eure Antworten.
Hallo, Die Frage steht oben. Das hat mich schon immer interessiert. Da West/Zentral/Nord Europa und USA/Canada ziemlich fortgeschritten sind aber dennoch in Bezug auf Religion Unterschiede haben, stellte sich mir immer wieder die Frage warum ? Die Religion hatte bei uns ja einen viel längeren Einfluss gehabt als in Amerika. Vor allem wenn die größte…
Der Kronvassall teilt ja sein Land an andere Vassallle auf. Was würde passieren, wenn der Kronvassall stirbt? Wird den Vessallen, die von diesem Kronvassal das Land und Amt bekommen hat, das Land und Amt weggenommen?
Georg Sluyterman von Langeweyde – Wikipedia
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Hallo meine Lieben ich komme gerade garnicht in Geschichte klar wir haben ein Arbeitsblatt zum Ersten Weltkrieg bekommen und ich verstehe nicht was mit Anlass und Ursachen gemeint ist vieleicht kann mir einer helfen oder weiß die Lösung die da unten hin kommt ich verstehe es überhaupt nicht. vielen dank für hilfreiche Antworten
Krass that you want to learn in tasks where you want to understand Native People even words like “Indians” get out.
So from me there’s only one tip because you can read the questions and googlen safely answer yourself. One does not say “Indians” that was the wrong term from the beginning, as Columbus said he had come to India, later this term is also negatively affected by the genocide.
Native People, so native people is a better term
I don’t mean a polemic one. The “Nativ People” are proud to be Indians. Why not respect this?
This is actually only found in the USA. The history of the USA is different from that of most other American countries. In Latin America (and here the vast majority of American natives and their descendants live), the concept of indigenous peoples is regarded as insult. There, too, the natives were called Indians, but when the colonies obtained their independence from the West, this was changed from the state side. Indians were from now on indigenous.
In the USA, the natives were counted, unlike in Latin America, where they were lower people, but not even to the people of the country. It was wild. There was no coexistence, no cultural exchange and no mixing of Europeans and American natives as in most parts of America. The United States itself is part of the Western world, and here the term “Indians” as in Europe has been maintained for a very long time, so that the natives have been practically forced up this name. They often use it as their own name. And it is true that you want to change these circumstances suddenly, the indigenous people in the USA are very clever and hypocritical. An attempt by the white population to feel better, but it does not help the natives at all. They’re still second-class people.
There is absolutely nothing “crack”
The Word Indian is absolutely nothing crass and it is not used in the work “rough” but quite normal, as the vast majority of the Germans naturally does.
The “Tipp” of the respondent is above all the call for the politically desired language censorship and so the answer is not a help for the questioner, but a re-education measure.
Then the respondent also claims that the term Indians would somehow be negative for genocide. As the one is related to the other, the well kept secret of the respondent remains. Above all, this is simply the untruth!
Indians is even a very positive term – and that for 120 years!
It goes without saying that indigenous people are allowed to say, but also Indians who, by the way, are themselves Indian nation the name. And they do, even though they know that the Indian subcontinent is in Asia.