[Geschichte] 1848er Revolution und Parteien?

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1 year ago

So, I’ll write a bit of what I know about the topic:

The revolution of 1848 cannot be understood without the French Revolution of 1789. At that time, the French bourgeoisie rose up against the ruling nobility and demanded freedom, equality, brotherhood and participation in the shaping of the state. Napolen then issued a law aligned with the bourgeoisie, the code of Napoleon, which followed the principle, “Before the law are all equal”.

These principles also spread in Germany as part of the Enlightenment. The great classical poets such as Schiller and Goethe or composers such as Beethoven contributed their part.

Then Napoleon suffered a devastating defeat in the Battle of the Peoples of Leipzig. He was banished to Elba, the Viennese Congress began. Napoleon returned again, was defeated again at Waterloss and then banished to St. Helena in the Sdatlantic. The Congress of Vienna continued.

The princes, especially in Prince Metternich, tried to restore the situation before the French Revolution in the course of the restoration. But this was only achieved with violence and oppression, because the idea of freedom no longer left the bourgeoisie.

The generation who had witnessed the Napoleonic wars and the restoration, had the nose full of politics and retreated to private life. That was the time of the Biedermaier.

At this time, however, the industrial revolution began, and the bourgeoisie was striving for education, and the school system was massively expanded. People’s schools, high schools and the number of universities exploded everywhere. A new young generation grew up, which was politically interested and regained the ideas of the French Revolution. This trend was also recorded in the culture, and the literature of the pre-march was found. Known representatives of a new political literature were Heinrich Heine and Georg Büchner. Famous quotes:

Heine: “I am in trouble with Germany, I am brought to sleep”:
Büchner: “Friede den Hütten! War the palaces”

For example, in the young generation of the growing image citizenship, the idea of a German nation state as a counterweight to France, as well as the idea of democracy and freedom as a counterweight to the ruling princes, spread out in the cities. Educational citizenship, in particular the sons of wealthy citizens, organized themselves at the universities in Burschenschaften. There was also politically discussed and the idea of a united Germany was maintained and demanded.

The German Covenant was completely unfit for the subordinate Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. There were too many kings and princes outside of Germany. He represents the above-mentioned attempt of the princes to restore the old conditions. The federal government won the character of a guardian state, which was about to enforce peace and order (cite: “Ruhe is the first civil duty”). The university law allowed the dismissal of politically suspected professors, the bursaries were banned, the press law introduced a strict censorship. This, of course, contradicted the notions of political citizenship.

Political parties were forbidden in the German Federation. The princes saw a threat to their power. However, associations were founded which pursued a political goal outside, but in which intensive discussions were made on how to organize parties if they were allowed. The various associations, however, collected citizens of similar ways of thinking. Thus there were liberal, Catholic or labor-oriented associations. Thus, in the course of the revolution of 1848 parties were able to arise in a short time.