Gift ideas for your best friend’s 18th birthday?

Hi, I'm a 17-year-old girl and my best friend from school is turning 18 in 10 days. I really want to get her something really great for her 18th birthday… but I'm terrible at giving presents and have no idea what to get her.

She loves sports, especially rowing – she rows every day, so professionally, but I don't think she needs rowing equipment or sports outfit, she has enough of those, but at least she likes sports as a reference point

What she appreciates most are activities and generally fun spontaneous experiences or trips with friends, so any kind of trip as a gift that is realistic but still very special would be cool.

She is not a girl girl, so she doesn't really wear make-up and she doesn't use masks

She loves funny gifts, something that makes you burst out laughing when you open it because it's silly and cute at the same time

She doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment, but someone who would be suitable, something fun to do with sex, I could also give but idk

She drinks alcohol occasionally at parties but doesn't know which one she particularly likes and she doesn't drink very often either.

I hope you can do something with these few suggestions and maybe you have a gift idea. I'm really happy about any suggestions, because all my ideas seem stupid to me and I don't have much time left and I'm starting to panic.

Best regards and thanks in advance!

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2 years ago

Hey! I suppose you’ve already experienced a lot with her as the best friend. I don’t know if that’s enough, but you could give her a book/album with pictures of you. You can also write something about it, for example what was particularly funny with this and that experience. If you have enough photos and know what else you can write, it would be a very personal and good gift. Is there any work, but it would be worthwhile. My sister got such a book from a friend with pictures of her joint language stay.

Hope you find something fitting!

2 years ago

Hello, I’m not so good at making gifts, but I had such an idea: You could make such a gift basket with candy she likes (see picture) and since she likes sports, maybe a voucher for a trip to 2. e.g. in the climbing forest,Jumphouse,…
