
Hey ich habe bald Geburtstag und auch wenn manche sagen es ist irgendwie blöd wenn man so sagt was man geschenkt bekommen will, bin ich für mich eher so, dass ich ehrlich bin und lieber sag ich was ich will statt irgendwas unnützliches zu bekommen oder was mir garkeine Freude bereitet. Und klar, Geld kann man immer brauchen. Aber zu sagen, ich wünsch mir Geld – ist dann doch etwas blöd. Also wer mir wirklich was schenken will (alles kann nichts muss) will ich ehrlich sagen, was ich brauchen kann. Meine Freunde wissen wie unkompliziert und ehrlich ich bin😅 (und denen fällt sicher mit ein paar Tipps was eigenes ein)

Also, habt ihr da was? Ich bin im Teenager – Alter, und bisher wären meine ideen: ich mag Autosachen, Pflanzen o.ä. und vielleicht Bilder mit der person als Geschenk. Vielleicht wären Bücher eine Idee? Oder Kleidung..?

Aber was noch? Ich will nichts für die Schule, nichts total unnötiges und kleine Pflegeprodukte. Ich will auch nicht dass meine Gäste zuviel Geld ausgeben, niemand von uns hat davon viel😅

Vielen dank für antworten

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2 years ago

What do you think of this? Maybe tell you something.

  • A beautiful homemade cake. But as an interesting form and with a great ornament, i.e. a motif cake .I love manga and anime. So, for example, I’d be happy with a One Piece cake. Colours, shapes or celebrities. There are all possible ideas, for example: HSV cakes, Lord of the Rings cakes, Game of Thrones cakes, general birthday cakes, beautiful birthday cakes and so on. You can also bake cakes, cupcakes, muffins, cake pots, biscuits and other cakes. Also in these categories there are all kinds of ideas and images on the Internet.
  • If you like to cook: a homemade cookbook with great photos and cooking sprouts (photos and sprouts from the internet or from the others themselves) is also super good because it has something personal. As recipes, the favourite foods and drinks of the recipient are logically suitable here. Of course you can find recipes on the Internet, in cookbooks or have your own. That can be all categories. From starters,mains and sweets.No matter whether hot or cold,for big or small hunger and thirst or what occasion/month it is. Maybe there are dishes that connect you? Add a set of oil+herbs+ seasonings.
  • something nice for the room:
  • a plant / flower bouquet / rock
  • a beautiful vase
  • a beautiful pillow
  • cool bed linen
  • beautiful stone with inscription
  • a small beautiful lamp or Lampions, a light chain for your wall
  • handsome notepad
  • great bookmarks
  • beautiful wallet
  • Book (If you like to read – what genre? Maybe a great novel!
  • DVD
  • what cool to craft (if you like to be creative. Maybe diamant painting
  • “If… Books” or “If.. Box” Z.B: “If you need strength” In the box, for example, there would be an energy drink, chocolate or something. “If you’re really bad and you’re inconsolable” In the box: A lucky glass with sayings from someone. Like what this person likes about you. There are all kinds of ideas. Can you googlen
  • Personal vouchers. The others can give you a bigger activity. Here are examples.

alcohol-free cocktails donate / organize a cool celebration / invitation to a piece of cake, cake, an ice cream, a cola, a coffee, tea or otherwise a drink,a larger food such as a burger,döner,smallness from Asia snack and so on / camping b.z.w tentten during the holidays in summer / small hairdresser attending concert / ice skating / going to a barbecue. So I’m going to go to the right course / day trip to another city/town/musical/theatrical evening / cooking together / going to a night hike / swimming / going out to the climbing forest/high rope garden / soccer,Basketball,Eishockey or otherwise a sports game or something else after the choice / watching bowling / karaoke / playing magic / canoeing / cinema / cooking together

  • Photo gifts. Z.B Photo: -cushion/lamp/ cup/-figure collage in frame/metal box and more:
2 years ago
Reply to  Rebby187

Sure. And I remembered something else. Do you like playing? Maybe you like Tabu. Wizard, Scrabble, Phase10, Splendor, Black Stories, Cards against humanity, Drinkpoly (In your case, but then play without alcohol)

2 years ago
Reply to  JapaneseAnime

Thank you for the award.

2 years ago


2 years ago

A book about decadence.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rebby187

I knew why I proposed it. 😉

2 years ago

Cinematographic information

Board games