Birthday gift idea?
I'm going to a normal friend's birthday party, a semi-acquaintance, something in between. She's 16 and I have three hours left. Where can I find a good gift? Please suggest some ideas.
I'm going to a normal friend's birthday party, a semi-acquaintance, something in between. She's 16 and I have three hours left. Where can I find a good gift? Please suggest some ideas.
Hello, my dears, Do you know if you can buy gold leaf emulsion at Tedi or another local store? I wanted to order it, but it won't arrive until Saturday because of Christmas. Thank you very much ☺️
You should actually be grateful that you were able to do an internship there, so why do so many people give you gifts at the end?
Hello, I'm a 14-year-old girl and I have a question. Christmas is fast approaching, and I've already started thinking about my presents. Nintendo Switch (if you have experience, please write in) A body scrub (if you have any recommendations, please write) And books 🙂 If you have any more ideas about what else I could…
Hello, I'm planning a personalized Advent calendar for my boyfriend. Does anyone have any ideas for what I could put in it? I already have a lot of ideas, but I'm still missing a few boxes. (I know it's best to know what your boyfriend likes, but this is just a little inspiration, and maybe…
Hello, my husband's family lives abroad. A few days ago, we announced that we'd like to visit them in a few weeks so they can see our children again. But now the whole process of gift requests and orders is starting again. His nieces/nephews, sister, brother-in-law, cousins, friends, etc. It feels like everyone wants something….
I need a small text for children that I can stick to the shots full of sweets with sticky tape
Ich finde Lindt Schokolade und etwas Geld dazu hängen.
Klar, Geld verschenkt man nicht. Aber Über Schokolade freut man sich immer.
Meine Oma isst Lindt aber ist das auch was so für jüngere Leute? Als ich 3. Klasse war hab ich ner Freundin Pralinen geschenkt und die fand das nicht so gut aber da war auch Alkohol drin
Ist von Person zu Person verschieden. Deswegen auch das Geld damit sie das Kaufen kann was sie möchte.
Merci-Schokolade, es gibt eine Sommersorte. Ich glaube mir Kokosnuss.
Oder Kino-Gutschein
Gutschein von dm, Rossmann oder so.
Auch wenn Sie so eine ist, die sich selten schminkt?
Ja. Da gibts ja nicht nur Schminksachen.
Keine Ahnung, bei mir gibts nur dm. Ich denke aber, die schenken sich nichts.
Eher DM oder Rossmann