Geschenk zur Taufe von bester Freundin?
Meine beste Freundin (14) wird nächste Woche getauft und ich hab keinen Plan von sowas. Kann man zur Taufe einfach irgendwas schenken was der Person halt gefallen würde oder schenkt man da irgendwas bestimmtes?
Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus!
I would give her this book here: “Live before it’s too late! Discover God’s will for your life” by Daniel Kolenda – I can only recommend it very warm because it is really good!
Thank you.
I would give her a little pigeon as a chainring
Thank you. I’ll remember that!
I’d give her a Bible and a chain of crosses.
But that would have to be a special Bible, with a memory, special meaning or the like. For whoever is baptized with 14 has certainly already a Bible.
Several people don’t do anything.
I have three too.
A Luther, a unity translation and a mini Bible.
Thank you. This has helped me!
That’s what I’m glad:) God’s blessing to your girlfriend (and you, of course)
That’s right, I have several too. In this respect, your thought may not be so bad.