Geschenk für Freundin?

Hey, ich und meine Freundin machen beide sehr gerne Sport im Gym und achten auf unsere Ernährung und kochen somit gerne selber. Nun möchte ich ihr etwas nicht so konventionelles schenken sondern etwas was zu ihren Hobbys passt, ich wollte eigentlich ein Kochbuch selbst erstellen, mit den Rezepten die wir so in letzter Zeit angesammelt haben aber das mache ich wann anders. Habt ihr Ideen was coole Geschenke für sie sein könnten? Abgesehen von proteinpulver und Supplements

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1 year ago

Hello! It’s great that you have common interests and you’re looking for a suitable gift for your girlfriend. Here are some ideas that fit their hobbies and go beyond protein powders and supplements:

  1. Fitness Cookbook: Instead of creating your own cookbook, you could buy a fitness cookbook that contains healthy and delicious recipes for athletes. So you can try new dishes together.
  2. Sportswear or accessories: High-quality sportswear, such as a new leggings or a sports bra, or practical accessories such as a jumping rope or yoga block, could be interesting for your girlfriend.
  3. Common cooking classes: See if cooking classes are offered near you, which are aimed at healthy nutrition for athletes. So you can learn new skills together and further develop your passion for cooking.
  4. Massage voucher: A massage is a great way to relax after a strenuous training. Give your girlfriend a voucher for a massage in a nearby wellness centre.
  5. Personalized meals planning: There are many apps and websites that create personalized diet plans and recipes based on individual preferences and goals. You could give a subscription to such a service.
  6. Fitness tracker or smartwatch: A fitness tracker or a smartwatch can help monitor training progress and increase motivation. Such a device could be a practical and useful gift for your girlfriend.
  7. Motivating sports posters or murals: A beautiful sports poster or mural with motivating quotes or inspiring images could be a nice addition to their training or living area.
  8. Subscription for a sports magazine or an online fitness course: A magazine or an online course that focuses on healthy nutrition, training tips and techniques could also be a suitable gift.
  9. We have also prepared an article with many other suitable gift ideas: gifts/
1 year ago

This is mainly dependent on the budget. If it should have to do with the gym, then vllt would still offer a new gymoutfit, a new cool bottle, depending on the type of workout, also aids such as the pumper belt or training gloves, good headphones, a personalized towel, etc.

Depending on the complete subscription and the offers in the gym, you can also give it additional services such as sauna or the like.

1 year ago

The one with the homemade cookbook is a cool gift idea.

What about you just buy two tickets for the next fair in your area, keep in the area of fitness, nutrition, health and then you two in the city will make you a great day.