Geschenk an Papa?
Hallo.. mein Vater ist knapp 70..
Ich möchte ihm was schenken was ihm eine Freude macht.
Eine neue Armbanduhr werde ich ihm kaufen, möchte ihm aber noch etwas geben aber weiß nicht genau was.. hat jemand von euch eine tolle Idee?
Mein Vater ist ein sehr altmodischer Mann der nicht viel braucht um zu leben. Er legt wenig Wert auf elektro geräte.
Hoffe jemand kann mir helfen… vielen Dank.
Give him some of your time. Make a small trip together with coffee and cake or even a good meal.
Hello, my father is about 70.
Well and I soon do not know that I am not interested in technology/electronics, but I hate photo albums that are not in digital form, for which I have a Smart Tv, Alexa, Syrie, Wlandosen, Pc, i Phone ect., when my children and grandchildren come to me with analog crap for Christmas and birthdays!
Greeting Papa
A beautiful wristwatch with engraving what a good father he is
Find or get pictures of you two and give him a photo book. This can also be quite old photos.
You might be able to take a photo book with photos of you or generally with the family.
Tandem jump with parachute
Flight with a zeppelin
Diving hour
High rope garden
Tree rock path
Give events, no things.
A 70-year-old? He’ll have fun in the high rope garden.
At Luis Trenker you would probably have had trouble following him at the age. I have no idea how the man is knitted. It’s just thinking. You can also give away a criminal or a wellness weekend.
Yeah, but that’s already been a surname appearance. I’d be there with wellness or criminals. Once my daughter got a visit to the Escape Room, we had fun.
Vllt flowers?