Gesättigte Fettsäuren, aktueller Stand?
Habe oft gehört und mehrere Studien gesehen die Widerlegt haben das gesättigte Fettsäuren in irgendeinem zusammenhang mit herzproblemen etc. stehen.
Erinnert mich bisschen an den Wiederlegten Mythos mit Eiern und cholesterin da es auch jetzt jeder weiß das der cholesterinspiegel nicht durch eier steigt (was ich persönlich schon jahre davor wusste bevor es auf vielen websiten geändert wurde bzw. ein größeres thema wurde).
Auch Milch produkte sind ja allgemein nicht so gut wie es früher immer dargestellt wurde.
Wollte mal nach eurer Meinung gegenüber gesättigte fettsäuren fragen, da ich neugierig bin und selbst aber auch nicht 100% sicher bin.
These studies were funded by the US meat industry. This is about how Marlboro would finance a study on the health risks of smoking. Neutrality=Fehlanzeige.
Another study, which can result in saturated fatty acids not being unhealthy, is unfortunately also not meaningful. I speak of the international PURE study (Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology). In this study, the nutritional habits and the health status of 135,000 people were recorded and examined over 7 years. The result: people who have eaten large quantities of saturated fatty acids daily died a little less frequently than people who have eaten many carbohydrates.
The explanation: People who could afford to buy dairy products and meat were compared with people who could afford only rice and cheap finished products. In addition, carbohydrates were not differentiated. Whether complex carbohydrates, or candy, junk food, etc. did not interest. The group that consumed saturated fatty acids daily were people with greater prosperity, which could also afford to eat high-quality fruit, vegetables and whole grain cereals.
A completely different picture was found in laboratory tests. The unhealthy effect of saturated fatty acids on the heart, vessels and brain could be clearly demonstrated. Clinical studies show that a diet with low-saturated fatty acids reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, breast cancer and some cancers.
It is advisable to greatly reduce saturated fatty acids. Meat and, in particular, sausages are generally to be discarded. There is nothing to be used against occasional organic butter, as well as organic dairy products, best of alpine or pasture animals.
Saturated fatty acids are mainly contained in animal foods such as butter, milk, sausage and cheese. They are not unhealthy. Here it comes to the right degree, because saturated fatty acids have a positive influence on health. They serve, for example, as an energy source, protect the inner organs and are involved in hormone and immune metabolism. If the LDL value is too high, this is an indication of excessive consumption of saturated fatty acids.
Thank you
They sheath the tissue cells and protect them from free ‘radicals’.
How do these protect the inner organs?