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6 years ago

Does it look like a predator? But wonder if the predator was for death, or was only angry….

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

No one can determine exactly what it is ending – whether it was torn. Can also be an accident victim who has fled even further into the forest etc. before it is finished.

It has now been cut (advanced). There are then several wild animals.

6 years ago
Reply to  FloJoe88

The lynx would have taken it away and not just a little bite cracked on site. It wouldn’t be so open. Looks like an accident and multiple incision.

Judging by the size of the flies (viewed in comparison to the wild body), this is also rather a kitz.

6 years ago
Reply to  FloJoe88

Luchse start from behind, it was definitely not

antnschnobe, UserMod Light
Reply to  FloJoe88

Oh. Then you live in a good area, because the lynx is really rare.

I do not want to rule out in the lynx or the rearing, although I tend to think that he, among other things, would not have left the roe.

Since you can see only a part of the wild on the picture, it is difficult to determine exactly.

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

I have never said that.

6 years ago

So the eaten is definitely not from a lynx that I mean

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

You wrote:

Luchse start from behind, it was definitely not

That was my comment. If they are disturbed, they may not start anywhere, they leave it and move away.
But it doesn’t matter because we can’t explain it like this. ;

6 years ago

I didn’t say he wouldn’t leave it. Found a lynx crack.

antnschnobe, UserMod Light


6 years ago

Gladly, Weidmannsheil and good sight for you.

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

Merci – also for supporting comments. ;

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

A lynx could leave the animal after he ripped it, even if he was disturbed.

However, I do not think about it, stay in the accident.

6 years ago

The most constructive answer. (Was so concerned with the analysis that the proposal for a solution and the further procedure did not come to my mind.

6 years ago

A month ago, I redeemed a Bock that had been hit on three Revieres. This happened two days after the accident (description hearing, injury and appearance of the open wounds allowed me to associate him. The accident driver had looked at him exactly until he got up and ran away). These are about 5km with open break. He was still on his legs. Rehe can put some things away.

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

Great. Then stay there and let you explain how and what and why!

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

Do you know the responsible hunter on site?

I would tell him (You don’t have to!) and make you look for a trace with him. Says he should look at this and, together with you, identify the possible causes (if still recognizable) and reasons.

Usually, we hunters are very grateful in such cases if we are shown fallows – and also willing to stand speech and answer. If a “non-jäger” then also has an interest in explaining such a case, we are (I’m sure, already practiced more often) willing to take it to the boat.

The responsible hunter could be with your municipality or Lower Hunting Authority, possibly also to locate police if you can’t tell local fellow citizens.

6 years ago

They belong to the deer. Okay, I’m thinking about traffic accidents at the dock. Small first-class consecrations also push the Bockkitze this year, and throw off already in winter to push a new one, but it is usually very small.

4 years ago

You should remember the sows are all-eaters. The utilised Aas complete.

6 years ago

You can’t say that.

As soon as the animal is dead, various other species eat of it.

6 years ago

because half of the animal is missing it is hard to say

4 years ago

Fox rather not. He can’t do that. Otherwise, it could be all, including illness, age, car and hunter.