Gerissener Zahn hält nach kleben nicht was tun?

Ich war schon 2x beim Zahnarzt.

Ich habe einen gerissenen Backenzahn. Etwa 1/4 innen ist bis weit runter zur Wurzel gerissenen und kippt bei Beanspruchung zur Seite. Der Zahnarzt hat in mit kleber wieder angesetzt und das hielt auch 1 Woche dann ist der kleber abgeblättert und das Stück war wieder lose. Dasselbe wurde dann so nochmal wieder repariert und nun das gleiche. Der Zahnarzt meinte die einzige Lösung wäre ziehen. Ist das wirklich nötig? Der grosse Rest des zahn ist ok es ist sonst nichts dran

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1 year ago

Can go to another dentist for a second opinion. I’m not a dentist, but I guess in that case it’s called “Time to say goodbye!”

1 year ago

The dentist said the only solution would be to pull.

With what reason? Does the tooth have a root filling that may not be completely OK?

Is that really necessary? The big rest of the tooth is ok it is nothing else

I can’t judge that, of course, but there are other possibilities. If the tooth is completely OK, a partial crown, onlay or a full crown may be attached.

It’s better to get you a second opinion with another dentist. I’d do that.

1 year ago
Reply to  RegensbWZForum

It’s perfect nonsense to remove the tooth. Like I said, get a second opinion. It’s probably better to change the ZA.

1 year ago

A “stif structure” and a crown could perhaps still save the rest of the tooth if the dentist does not shoot out of the pistol as it says: “This tooth is no longer timid”.

A second opinion or even a third opinion could be useful here.

A good dentist who really wants to “help” you as a human being will always be willing to consider your right to “physical integrity”.

Remember, every single tooth root belongs to the teeth, the “self-image” of the human being, it forms the mouth area and if you have seen before, how “falling” the mouth area of people who have no more own tooth roots sitting on the bone, then I can only advise you … make sure that a tooth is pulled only in the absolute “emergence” .. because you will not get a “free implant”.

1 year ago

Have you ever asked a pine orthodontist for advice?

If the root is in sympathy, it is already very violent and has to hurt very much. For a crown it also needs an intact root.

I’m afraid your dentist isn’t that wrong. But, as I said, I’d be questioning a pine orthodontist. An X-ray image should generally indicate whether or what is still feasible.

1 year ago
Reply to  RegensbWZForum

It doesn’t hurt when chewing the tooth?

1 year ago

Well, it hurts me while reading. Like I said, I’d have a pine orthopedic look at it.

1 year ago

It has to be pulled by now.

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