Gerichte und einzelne Lebensmittel Komponenten portionierfähig machen, zum Beispiel mit Geschirr, statt flacher Teller, Suppenteller, statt oder Brotzeittelle?
Unterteller oder Dessertschale, Suppenlöffel oder dessertlöffel.
hier mal ein paar Beispiele, wie ich es mir vorstelle.
ein fertig gekochtes Gericht satt auf einen flachen Teller zu geben, auf einen Suppenteller, um etwas zu sparen. Statt zum Beispiel die Brotzeit auf einem flachen Teller anzurichten, auf einen Brotzeitteller zu geben. Anderes Beispiel, fertige Lebensmittel, wie Schnitzel oder Nuggets, entweder auf einem Kuchenteller oder Dessertschale portionieren. Süßigkeiten zum Beispiel in eine Dessertschale oder trocken Früchte oder andere Snacks, mit mehreren kalten anrichten. Jetzt zu den Löffeln. Dass man sich Lebensmittel, wie Reis, Nudeln, etc. Löffelweise raus nimmt, dass man besser den Überblick behalt. Bei Gemüse und Obst geht es auch. In kleinerer Form , geschnitten oder schon so, von Natur aus. Mit anderen Lebensmitteln geht es ja auch, wie frischkäse, Quark etc. vielleicht fällt euch noch was dazu ein. Das man sich die Mengen aufschreibt und es dann unbemerkt verkleinert und so etwas abnimmt. Das man zum Beispiel sagt, man hat in der ersten Woche 10 große Löffel Nudeln und 4 große Löffel Gemüse und Fleisch oder Fisch dazu. Dann sagt man nach einer Woche, ich hab nichts abgenommen, dann nehme ich 9 Löffel Nudeln und 5 Löffel Gemüse und warte ab. Dass man eine Anzahl von Mengen , 1 oder zwei Wochen probiert und dann guckt, ob man zunimmt oder abnimmt .danke fürs lesen und antworten.
Taking a smaller plate is certainly correct and the portions also decrease. To take it off, however, it must not be too much calories at the end of the day.
I don’t count it, I was thinking about it and I wanted to know if you can do it or not. It’s been a long time.
Makes no sense
Yeah, you can do that. Just try it. It prevents you from eating even though you already have a sense of saturation. It also makes sense to drink water or tea in order to eat less.
Who should forbid you?! Go!
60-70 € was not the question
It was about plate size…
And take away
What’s healthy with me?
This has less to do with the price, or even saves money.
Bio and regional would be more for healthy nutrition.
However, this may have an impact on the price
That is why I often have to miss out on organic
Regional can be more expensive but also cheaper
What is healthy for 60-70 euros?
I mean your first answer or your suggestions on the question
Just eat healthy and normal
I can’t afford it.
I buy reduced and not expensive food.
Then I’ll try it and report it. And look at what it is and whether I eat too much or not. Maybe I can also keep my weight. It’ll be hard at the restaurant.
What I buy once a week, I eat in a week! Always! I can plan and buy well and eat with mind!
For a soft reason?
Not more.
That wasn’t the question, was it? Whether it makes sense to do it or not.
A little cumbersome😅 In front of all smaller shells, in the end it comes to the calorie deficit (about 300kcal). Would just give up sweet stuff, Cola, fast food.
Unfortunately not always easy in certain circumstances and situations.
A certain discipline belongs to it. Think of how unhealthy it is, you usually leave your fingers of it.
I was already in a clinic and was released because nix with the
Food was.
I’ve never said that if it’s over, I’m sorry. There are many who, in stress, anger etc, hardly eat anything. Therefore, it is advantageous to know the cause, only then can you really do something.
I really have no eating disorder.
If all this affects your normal eating behavior, a psychiatrist can be helpful. Besides, I just answered your question, you don’t have to be pampign right away
Do you know my circumstances and situations with my work and friend and limitations?
A plate is. Table
The soup plate is deeper, then you save nix
Breadtime plate is a plate or board
Why should there be differences?
It’s normal to take spoons.
You don’t tip it in the teller
Somehow everything is meaningless
You can’t eat a bread time from a suupentasse. A soup just as little of a bread plate.
So your project is insane.
One decreases when one eats less than one consumes or increases consumption with the same amount of food. Unit of measure for this are calories, not plates or breadboards.
Oh, LisaMaria (here under this name) with a new question. How beautiful, and that in the early morning. A question I don’t understand.
So, I’ll tell you how I do this, maybe this will give you an idea of the topic: I have various dishes. Plates, bowls, boards, cups and so on and so on, all in different sizes. If I don’t receive a great visit now, I’ll put the food on these tools, just as it is best for the dish. In my opinion, I’m well aware that I’m not looking at any kind of weird consequence now. And I’ll share the portions according to feeling hungry. So classic.
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