Dishes with lots of potassium?
What dishes are there that contain a lot of potassium?
or which foods contain a lot of potassium?
What dishes are there that contain a lot of potassium?
or which foods contain a lot of potassium?
The tuna can has black discoloration on the wall
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Hello everyone, I'm 16 years old, 165 cm tall, and have recently started taking the dietary supplement "21st Century, Calcium Magnesium Zinc + D3" (90 tablets). I take two tablets daily without having a medical examination beforehand. I also eat foods that contain these minerals. I stick to the recommended dosage of the tablets, but…
Hallo! Dieses Einwecken kenne ich noch aus meiner Kinderzeit, da haben wir aus dem eigenen Garten geerntet und im Sommer war dann in der Küche eine Bullenhitze weil meine Mutter und meine Oma stundenlang in dem riesigen Einkochtopf bei Sommertemperaturen die Gläser sterilisiert haben mit Bohnen und Kirschen und all dem Zeug aus dem Garten….
300g spinach (1899mg) + 200g potatoes (822mg) + 200g boiled Kidney beans (206mg) = 2927mg potassium
As dessert you simply eat 300g watermelon (990mg) and you already have a total of 3917mg potassium. Because this isn’t the only thing you eat the day, you’re even exceeding your needs.
Tomato soup from a lot of tomato.
On the Internet under “calium-rich foods”, here only one example http://www.lifeline
Are all dried foods. The dried food contains more potassium than fresh food, is clear.
full milk chocolate.
So eat a table of chocolate every day.