Genug Wasser trinken am Tag?
Wie viel Wasser trinkt ihr am Tag? Ich bekomme immer gesagt ich würde zu wenig trinken..
Trinkt ihr auch nur wenn ihr durscht habt?
Wie viel Wasser trinkt ihr am Tag? Ich bekomme immer gesagt ich würde zu wenig trinken..
Trinkt ihr auch nur wenn ihr durscht habt?
Ich habe heute ein kleinen schluck Jägermeister genommen davor habe ich noch nie Alkohol oder sonstiges getrunken ist es schlimm? Kann was passieren?
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Wenn ich z.B Cola Light trinke, kriegt man Körper umso mehr Lust auf Süßes?
Man darf ja ab 14 im Beisein der Eltern Alkohol trinken, muss man da trotzdem die Eltern fragen ob man was trinken darf?
Meine Eltern waren schon immer gegen Alkohol aber jeder aus meiner Klasse war Schon mal betrunken außer ich ist das komisch? Bin ich komisch? Ich hab da so mein kleinen Freundeskreis und die reden immer wie es auf der party war wo die zuletzt waren ich kann da nie mitreden und dann schweige ich dann…
The thirst is only established when something is already dehydrated. So you shouldn’t let it come that far, you should have a drink before you get thirsty.
2 liters a day is a reasonable amount. If you take a lot of water-containing food (cooks, tomatoes, fruits,…) are enough. also 1 1⁄2 liter and on very hot days and with strong effort it may also be more than 2 liters.
Thank you
enough to drink is really important that is also underestimated by many. Too little drinking can be really harmful. I sometimes forget to drink enough myself, but then try to catch up in the evening or when I think about it. Getting the best at first in the morning after getting a drink, so at regular times
Thank you
You should take enough water over day! – Since much goes out from the fluid balance – digestion – skin – detoxification of the kidneys – blood thinning etc.
Good luck! 🍀
Thank you and you too.
Thank you.
I’d rather only drink if I’d die. But even if I drink something delicious like just milk, ice cream, juice or cola.
Oky thank you
So on 2.5 – 3 liters I come playfully over the day, in summer it is even more.
2 – 3 Pötte coffee for breakfast, in the morning a can of tea, in the afternoon a can of tea, in the evening a small can of tea (many different varieties, for variety). Half a liter of fruit juice – this is my daily assortment. In summer there is a half litre of vegetable juice and half a litre of butter milk, and the amount of tea is larger.
3 times as much as I:/ thank you.. I have to drink more!
Hello LODR12, 👋
I drink every day ~ 2 l of water. 💦💦
There is also tea & 1 coffee.
And how much do you drink every day?
No, you shouldn’t wait that long.
I always drink some water
in between… without thirsty.
thirst is a warning sign that the body
has too little liquid. ☹️
LG 🙋🏻
Hey, thanks for the nice comment.. I drink on the day approx. 1 bottle (75 milliliter)
That’s too little, of course.
I’m gonna drink a lot more now.
I try to drink more than 1 liter a day, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. If you are otherwise healthy, you should see what color your Pipi has at noon, the yellow or dark should you drink more urgently, it’s clear it fits.
Thank you.
I drink relatively little water a day.
I also :/
Wilkomen at the club.
Thank you
In addition to water, other liquids are sometimes added.
comes on weight….
Wait a minute
Male exactly 60 kilos.. is thin but sporty