Genitiv, was ist korrekt?
Der Dativ und das warme Wetter haben meine Sprachfähigkeiten umgebracht…
Ignoriert mal bitte den Inhalt und sagt mir, welche Variante des Genitives richtig ist:
“eines Vollidiotens angemessen”
“eines Vollidioten angemessen”
The genitive of “Fullidiot” is “the idiot.” It would also be possible to use the language of “the full idiot”.
Variant 2 is correct.
When a -s is attached to the genitive, the German is dependent on complicated rules.
Thank you. Okay, then I had worsened it and now back-corrected. I wasn’t sure.
A fucking idiot, Gucci. 😊
Second is correct
Whose? Of the fucking idiots
the genitive of Son of a bitch is an idiot; the online Duden helps:
Okay, then I had worsened it and now back-corrected. I wasn’t sure. Thank you.
Yeah, the heat can make the brain filthy. 🍹😎⛱️
Right. Male, not causal.
It means, however, … what the Genitive about… 🍹😎⛱️
Yeah, it’s probably an excuse and I would have another day. Because even I use it more and more rarely, I become invalid as regards genitive…