Gendern mit Doppelpunkt grammatikalisch korrekt?


es geht um Schule (Hessen).

Die Form „Schüler:Innen“ und „Lehrer*Innen“ sind n.E. mit den Regeln der deutschen Rechtschreibung nicht zu vereinbaren und damit eigentlich schlicht falsch.

oder wie seht Ihr das?

Der Rat empfiehlt auch ganz klar, diese Varianten nicht zu benutzen.

Gilt die Verwendung in der Schule als Fehler?

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1 year ago

The thing is clear: double points are set characters and no letters. And words consist of letters and not of phrases. And not from asterisks, underscores or other nonsense. By the way, no other language is known to me, where such a nonsense would be allowed.

It is also true that our language, which has only a legislative reform behind it and is already watered down enough even under more and more anglicisms, is preserved and not to ruin more and more.

5 months ago
Reply to  Hacki004

And words consist of letters and not of signs.

This is true for the most part, but is not a harsh rule. An apostrophe is, for example, a record, no letter. And yet an integral part of genitive forms in German and other languages.

The first one that used the apostroph (probably in 16). century), has not been stopped by rules, which should be contained in a word and not. Language is not a hard science.

1 year ago

Any gender is simply wrong and represents a spelling error. Whether inland I (Teachers), double point (Teachers: inside), slash (Teachers), gender star (Teachers) or undercut (Teachers), all these variants of gender are to be considered to be a mistake.

If you want to write gender-neutral and do not want to commit a spelling error, then you have three options:

  1. Slash followed by a dash: Teachers (does not go with all words, e.g.Medical/internal“Don’t go.
  2. Call for words: teachers.
  3. General terms: teachers.

In the first variant, in contrast to other variants of gender, one has to make sure that it makes sense. This is why gender is completely nonsense, for example, with a gender star. Because in the gender star, you do not have to make sure that it makes sense because gender with a gender star (or double point, etc.) does not make any sense. Example “Doctors”. With the gender star, you can do so, with the slash-tie-coat variant, because it must make sense there. What would be a “doctrinate”? The masculine form often falls away from gender, which does not just do justice to gender – although this is just a central point in gender …

phrases have lost nothing within words; they are not there.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tirolbiker

Whether this is a mistake at school depends solely on the teacher and how he is. You can’t do anything as a student. Although gender is a mistake, it is accepted by many and probably by most teachers. You would already be very puzzling if you actually consider this as a mistake – so the broad opinion.

1 year ago

Of course it is wrong – where I “Teachers:“even has never seen, this is even a combination of double-point and inland-I, so it has been doubled here – but it doesn’t matter for most people, as gender is now widely accepted in the population. Even the day vision and many other serious institutions gender; knowing that it is actually wrong. As soon as it is accepted/desired by teachers in their teachings, you can’t do anything. No matter how much this is a spelling mistake or bad style.

And as we are already at pinch speed: As with all the other abbreviations of this type, a blank must be set, i.e. m. E. and not m.E.

I wish a pleasant morning:)

1 year ago


if no rules have been given to you, leave it with the gender.


1 year ago
Reply to  Tirolbiker

Would have, bicycle chain.

The Council also clearly recommends not to use these variants.

Despite the Recommendation (not binding) in schools often lacking gender – whatever type – is evaluated as a mistake.

It is possible to intervene in court. ( Streit-ums-sternchen, Streit-um-das-gendersternchen-100.html)

1 year ago

Then you’d have to look for yourself at the Hesseschau. I’ll delete the link.

1 year ago

But I would say to a teacher who calls my child non-genders to be mistaken, that you then ring your ears. And I’m sure I could unite a lot of my parents behind me. As a rule, they are red spoons of young teachers who haunt the German language with their gender splicing.

1 year ago

So I don’t think that’s going to happen so often in the subjects of physics and earth science, but I consistently stumble as a mistake.

1 year ago
Reply to  Natalie2023

I love you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tuedelue123


1 year ago

Gendern is generally not compatible with German grammar, no matter whether strange special characters or form of course as an alleged neutral variant.

1 year ago
Reply to  DickerOrk

Our school manager always gives himself the pale and speaks 17 times as a result of pupils. Once, it’s funny. But after that it’s just stupid. And he doesn’t realize it either. On Tuesday at the witness conference, I spoke consistently about children, and he didn’t even realize that I wanted to take him on the arm. 🫢

but: Students are still correct at least grammatically. But in the middle of words, the German spelling does not appear from my point of view.

1 year ago

Not to gender would be correct.

Source: German Association

1 year ago
Reply to  Tirolbiker

Your question is answered. Not to gender is grammatically correct. There is a change of gender that would be correct.

A police officer. But with these stars and double points everything is just wrong.