Gemüse statt Knabberzeugs?
In letzter Zeit esse ich zu viel Chips und Co. und neulich kam mir der Gedanke, dass ich doch stattdessen Gemüse knabbern kann. Am ehesten tendiere ich auf Karotten, eie sind schön knackig und da kann man schön reinbeißen! Gurke fänd ich eigentlich auch ganz reizend…
Was meint ihr? Ist das zu empfehlen? Ist das auf Dauer vielleicht auch ungesund? Könnt ihr andere Alternativen zum Knabbern oder Naschen empfehlen?
Vegetables are great and will not be unhealthy if you eat it all the time. I also find fennel and Kohlrabi tasty and crisp to chewing. However, a dip would actually be useful because you have nothing else to make available the fat-soluble vitamins for your body. I simply take a finished (herbal) fresh cheese if I have no time or pleasure to touch a dip myself.
Healthy as snacks are also nuts when you wear them, although they have many calories, but also many very valuable ingredients and are just sooo delicious.
To the carrots and cucumbers also Kohlrabi, barcelain and cocktail tomatoes and also one or two delicious dips. That ran much better yesterday on my son’s birthday (16) than the cakes and muffins and I had to deliver 3 times.
That was at a party there were vegetables as finger food. You always go and just can’t stop, but the good one is, it’s healthy vegetables! My thoughts and this question came also
That’s it. Our guests were totally grateful yesterday. It is also beautifully fresh and crisp. Just now in the Christmas season, when all of them stuffed themselves with cookies, cleats and so much unhealthy, it was really good.
That’s a good idea. Also barcelium is suitable. As a Dipp, I would recommend Zaziki or Hummus, both naturally made themselves. Berry fruit also tastes good and is healthy, as a substitute for chips.
It is healthy and definitely recommended. And then you can take any vegetables that tastes them. From carrots to cucumbers, tomato, radish, main beet, cabbage, paprika etc. You can also take all vitamins from it.
I’ve been doing this for over 12 years.
Very cool! I’ll buy and try a bag of carrots next week! 🤭
Take some oil to carrots. Otherwise, the body cannot utilize the vitamins.
Vegetables are healthy and a science doesn’t have to be made out. But this is actually generally knowledge of the sixth class. At the latest, one learns that certain vitamins should only be taken with fat in school.
Oh, God, why does it all have to be such a science? No wonder that many more go to chips and so grab to vegetables, there’s nothing to consider except the amount… 😅 But this is very good to know, that was not clear to me at all, I always thought vegetables are healthy and ready. 🙈
There are also fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Never heard of it? %C3%BCberblick#Causes_v28501027_en
Simply inform yourself about fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Then it should be very fast. There are certain vitamins that can only be absorbed by the body in combination with fat.
And of course, it is unhealthy not to eat vegetables, but not to take vegetables with fat is also not healthy. Just because certain vitamins can only be absorbed by the body with fat. It doesn’t matter if this is in salad with dressing or with meat/fish or dip etc.
As if! I can’t have less vitamins of vegetables if I eat them without fat than if I don’t eat vegetables at all, can I? Somehow, all this sounds like a conspiracy theory that leads me to eat something “unhealthy” again… 😅 But I think it’s kind of weird. 🙈
If you take it without adding fat, you just don’t take the vitamins on at least not the fat-soluble ones. And if you never eat anything fat, you will get a shortage of these vitamins for short or long.
What happens if I just eat them? It won’t be worse than chips, will it? And then probably not, but what is it then?
It doesn’t even have to be oil, it just contains a dip of fat.
Oil or fat is never unhealthy. Only the crowd does it, and I had already written that you should definitely take a dip if you make a raw food dish a snack. So you can also absorb the fat-soluble vitamins. Without a source of fat, you will not be able to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins.
Huh? What do you mean? Oil is unhealthy or not? And why can the body not utilize the vitamins without? Above all, how should I oil them, I just want to eat them out of the bag. 😅 What happens if I just eat them?
The idea is really good, carrots, paprika, cucumbers you can also dip very well (maybe a herbal dip to it). And it is definitely much healthier than chips and co.
Can you do this, then you can even add a dip to it, or there are also recipes how to make out the vegetables chips, even made potato chips are also great and have less fat
Honestly, carrots I can eat very pure haha ^^ Nen Dip, I don’t have chips, would be more unhealthy even if I didn’t exclude it from other vegetables. Making smart chips would be too exhausting… 🙈
Oh, God, I think the most sinful are these thoughts. Vegetables are so healthy that you can do something.
Yeah, that’s true. If I try out more vegetables and that are so too faded to me (spontane I would say paprika) then I also like to take dips. Carrots and cucumbers I can just bite in like that! 🤭
Carrot and cucumber are good
Möhr, white cabbage, red cabbage, celery is great to crack.
Oh, right, celery is often heard as an alternative. Good thinking
Beet and cabbage rabies, rodsSellerie and Knolle, fennel,