Gemeinsames Kind, Partnerschaft aber getrennte Wohnungen, muss er rechtlich Alimente zahlen?
Mein Partner und ich haben eine gemeinsame Tochter (10 Monate).
Wir sind in einer Beziehung, wohnen jedoch in getrennte Wohnungen.
Ich und meine Tochter sind öfter bei ihm als er bei uns in der Wohnung.
Steht es mir trotzdem rechtlich zu das ich Alimente bekomme auch wenn wir öfter in seiner Wohnung sind, da wir ja trotzdem getrennt leben?
The parent in which the child does not live in the same household is obliged to pay cash benefits. A waiver of child support is not approved.
There seems to be something different here than in Germany. In D, parents can, of course, agree differently internally, as long as the caring parent does not depend on social services.
In your case, he can’t afford to choose a natural service, but it’s actually about cash.
You should have the amount to be paid out and ask him to pay the sum.
Here you can find a computer, always with caution:
We were separated for a short time in February, and he didn’t pay for the child and I didn’t get any aliments. I had to finance everything. I had Alimente run over the youth office, but it took forever, in the meantime we came back together. However, if the aliments continued to run over the YES because they thought it would be no matter if you are together or not, once you have separate households, maintenance must be paid. I didn’t get any. YES has informed me that it is now running over the court, as my partner has not responded to calls and letters. My partner will tell the court that we are often in the apartment with him, and therefore I wonder if it is legal for me to get alimente, despite stopping in his apartment?
It doesn’t matter for the aliments. You don’t live together.
You should point out that a trial for him becomes even more expensive and it is completely unnecessary that the Office will sue against him. He’s supposed to pay the sum of you.
So with such a man, you should really think about him being the right one! He has to take care of his child financially!
Then let him sue if he has too much money;-).
And it’s not about hurting him either. Your child now has legal claim whether it fits him or not!
Unfortunately, my partner has a very own way of thinking. He thinks he finances enough when we are with him and he has little interest in paying extra aliments.
Under the week I pay all for the child also purchases for his apartment and on weekend he. I don’t want to hurt my partner, and I don’t want to take the money out of my pocket, but I have to finance our daughter. That was also one of the reasons for the separation at that time in February before we came back together, as he claimed he needed the money for himself.
I don’t think there’s anything to you. Depends on how much cost savings you have in child care (washing clams, food costs etc.)
Here is an example for separate parents (which doesn’t matter if you’re still “directed”):
Celebrity example: Oliver Pocher pays as far as I know no maintenance, because the children are often in his hands.
Ah yes and caution if you do what is official: the food point recognised by the tax authority or the like could change/be questioned.
Surely you have a right to maintenance for the child as long as you are not living and reporting in a common household.
In the event of a corresponding capacity after payment of the child’s support, you yourself would still have support until the completion of the 3 year of the child’s life.
If you would apply for social benefits such as civil money, the Jobcenter should ask you to claim priority claims.
If he weren’t efficient and you would ask for support from the Youth Office, you would have bad cards, because you are obligated to truthful information, so you would have to specify that you are a couple and are regularly dealing beyond the usual right of dealing.
Then you would not be considered to be a single parent, and the application for a maintenance grant would certainly be rejected.
Is one considered to be alone if only I have the right of custody for our daughter?
He only has the right to handle!
At the youth office, as explained not!
If you are a couple and have regular joint dealing, you do not count as a single parent, even if you do not live together in a household.
If he were not capable of being effective and unable to pay any maintenance, you would not receive any support if you were to submit your application and truthful information at the Youth Office.
Contacting and consulting
If you were reliant on transfer services, you would have been contacted long ago.
He must pay maintenance if he doesn’t come up for the child. You can calculate how many days a month you are there and then eat at his expense, use everything and how many days you have to manage for yourself and the little one alone. With the help of the Düsseldorfer table you can then determine this. For the days when he takes care of you, you can’t ask.
But you can do a consultation with the YES.
YES, I’ve explained as soon as you don’t have a common household, you don’t care if you have a relationship or separate. I’m sorry they didn’t tell me more. If necessary, of course, I also pay the food or take care of his own household.
that is not right
Yes, the child’s child’s child’s support is closed.
If you want to settle this against each other, why don’t you go together?
My partner can’t leave his apartment professionally and I can’t cancel my apartment due to the death of my landlord at the moment.
Surely you can do that as a tenant.
You live there too and pays rent. So why wouldn’t that go?
Thank you for your message. 😇
Talked to a heir, she’ll look at this.
You could send the notice to the owner’s address – if it is still served.
Alternatively, turn directly to the estate court – inheritance certificate, will or estate manager – something should exist.
You don’t have to wait for the heirs to end.
There are legal successors. The termination goes to the contractual partner or his successor – even if he has died. The rent doesn’t stay in the air either.
It all goes over the notary and as far as I have been informed, a lot has been clarified, which is why I can only announce at the end of the year.
No, he doesn’t have to because he cares about his child beyond normal care.
Of course.The child lives with you,or?And if you are together, wherever, but not living together,clear 😉
Thanks for your message😇
Yes, my daughter lives with me.
I’m asking because many people say that it’s not my fault, because I’m in the apartment more often with my partner.
He is the father and has to support you,clear.Eure daughter.This is not only in dispute situations,or if you are separated.
I don’t want to hurt my partner, he doesn’t understand why he should buy things for our daughter, but he needs our daughter. Under the week I pay the purchase because he is working and on the weekend he is. He’s not ready to give me some money for the little one.
Yeah, he’s gonna have to pay for it, but you’re together, what about this small war on the office?
The Youth Office pays in advance and has to get it back with him.Now he has to pay to you, but if you’re together and he comes up for a lot, I don’t understand the problem.
We were separated for a short time in February, and he didn’t pay for the child and I didn’t get any aliments. I had to finance everything. Having Alimente run over the youth office, however, has taken forever to the moment, even though he had to repay according to the youth office.
If it is without a court and he pays a lot, he is right.This is maintenance.Others are asked by court to pay a certain amount, but do not necessarily come up for things in everyday life.If he pays anyway and you are together,it is unnecessary with court.
Unfortunately, my partner shows little insight into it without a youth office. He means he doesn’t have to pay any aliments if I and his daughter are in his apartment because he pays enough.
You can take private consideration, of course, if it can not be as much as it can be determined by law.You must go through this together😊
Unmarried first applies, you have 3 years of maintenance and the child anyway. It doesn’t matter when and how often you are with him as long as you have your own apartment
Thank you for your answer.
So this doesn’t affect how many times I’m with him for the aliments?
Not quite. For the time when you live with him and are used to his costs, he could have this calculated on the maintenance claim.
But not 1/30 of the monthly amount, because your rent is still 100%.
Yeah, and if he claims anything else, you should take a lawyer, anyway would be better
that is wrong
Vll. if it would be more sensible to finally separate properly, then such questions and annoyances do not even ask. I don’t think that’s what she needs, and the kid doesn’t.
Okay anyway thanks for your help👌🏻😇
That’s what I expected.
This will now decide (must) the court.
We were separated for a short time in February, and he didn’t pay for the child because he meant he needed the money for himself and I didn’t get any aliments either. I had to finance everything. I had Alimente run over the youth office, but it took forever, in the meantime we came back together. However, if the aliments continued to run over the YES because they thought it would be no matter if you are together or not, once you have separate households, maintenance must be paid. I didn’t get any. YES has informed me that it is now running over the court, as my partner has not responded to calls and letters. My partner will tell the court that we are often in the apartment with him, and therefore I wonder if it is legal for me to get alimente, despite stopping in his apartment?
Whether he pays you for your “work” you have to make up with each other.
This/a possible “remuneration” has no effect on child support.
If you can’t agree, you’ll have to go to the youth office or to the family court.
Does this also apply even though I also make purchases for his apartment under the week and take care of his own household?
I have my own household too and wash my laundry and our daughter’s only at my house and use his washing machine for his clothes.
The youth office told me it was going over the court because he ignored all the calls and letters. He’ll say we’re often with him and I’m not sure if there’s any legal aliment or not. Despite all this, I have my own household and wash my laundry at home. If I’m with him, I’ll take care of his own household.
You are entitled to maintenance for the child. Don’t do it!
Thank you for your answer
Does it happen to me even if we are more often with him in the apartment so that he can of course spend time with his daughter (our)?
In spite of everything, I still have my own household and wash my laundry at my home and not with him. I’ll take care of his own household when we’re with him.
since you have a marriage-like community since and he has moved beyond the normal dimension, he provides maintenance in the form of care. you do not get