Geldsorgen, schaffe ich es so über die Runden?
Guten Morgen,
ich habe grade ein Problem. Bei uns war Küche und Bad neu zu machen und nun brauchten wir auch noch dringend ein neues Bett, da die Federn schon so kaputt waren und man da unmöglich liegen konnte in den letzten Wochen. Die Rückenschmerzen bringen mich um.
Jetzt haben wir am Samstag ein neues Bett mit Komfortmatratze und allem drum und dran gekauft, was insgesamt 1800 gekostet hat, also 900 für jeden (meinen Freund und mich).
Aber jetzt wo ich die 900 Eur. bezahlt habe, habe ich nur noch 137 Eur. auf dem Konto und das macht mir so Angst.
Es war halt in letzter Zeit einfach sooo viel los von den Ausgaben her und da konnte ich mich nicht mehr erholen.
Ich bekomme am Freitag meinen Lohn von 2100 netto aber da gehen schon wieder 420 Eur. Einstellkosten fürs Pferd weg, dann 150 Strom Haushaltskosten usw. Und der Hufschmied kommt auch, also nochmal 150.
Somit habe ich dann wieder nur noch 1517 Eur. womit ich bis 15.03. auskommen muss, denn da bekomme ich meinen nächsten Lohn (da dann aber dafür 3300 netto weil wir 4 mal im Jahr mehr bekommen) und dadurch werd ich mich dann hoffentlich wieder etwas erholen.
In letzter Zeit war einfach soo viel. Tierarztbesuch, Rechnung vom Autohaus um 1200 eur. usw.
Ich hab so Angst, dass ich es nicht über die Runden schaffe. Für Notfälle (Pferd zb) würde mir immer meine Familie oder mein Freund was geben aber so an sich eben nicht, weil mein Freund der Meinung ist wir sollten alles immer durch 2 teilen weil er sieht das nicht ein, warum der Mann immer zahlen muss, da ich ja genau so Geld verdiene. Ja aber dafür verdient er fast 3000 netto und hat viel mehr Geld als ich und er hat zusätzlich noch Geld auf der Seite also hat er leicht reden aber nichts desto trotz, er möchte dass wir weiterhin alles getrennt zahlen bzw. durch 2 teilen, ist halt so.
Jetzt muss ich mit 1517 von 15.02.-15.03. auskommen und hab Angst, dass ich das nicht schaffe bzw. dass mir da dann wieder so wenig übrig bleibt. Ich wollte wenigstens 1000 Eur. mit ins nächste Monat nehmen.
Was soll ich denn noch tun?
Hatte mein geliebtes Pferd schon ein halbes Jahr lang inseriert zum Verkauf schweren Herzens aus finanziellen Gründen aber es fand sich kein Käufer (ich muss zugeben ich war auch erleichtert darüber denn das war die schmerzhafteste Entscheidung die ich je treffen musste)
What could create a short-term remedy would be more to work. The most tax-efficiency would be to look for a 520€(where imme is now the limit) job. This does not solve the underlying problem.
A horse is absurdly expensive. If you don’t get it, you’ll have to lower the price.
To be honest, I see that as well. I can understand that women no longer want domestic obligations, but if the man can now worry about himself, then the woman can also.
The only thing that will help you is a long-term asset building. You must want it, too. That means spending behavior down and revenue up, and the difference invest until you have a cushion that gives you security. Alternatively, this constant money shortage will be a lifelong companion.
Thank you, finally someone who really makes suggestions for solutions and not just says “sell the horse” although I wrote clearly that this didn’t work with the sale.
I’ll throw in, “everyone whips at his level,”
even if this is provocative. I am right to the other writers in many things. Like every pet, a horse is a luxury and a very expensive hobby.
Selling something today is crucially longer than a few years ago. This applies to almost all products.
I have a similar problem that the revenues are not sufficient to cover the considerably higher current costs.
Saving measures would certainly be some, but all the measures that have to be taken with limitations and renouncement.
This would have to change the attitude. Renouncement of something is not a shame. you must learn to distinguish between “can” and “must” .
Of course, your compilation of costs is not complete, but I do not think it will lead to an absolutely complete cost table, where all costs (including annual costs are converted to the month.
Betr. Rent would try a local comparison rental for your living room
to determine which I would then divide friend and DIr. You can then deposit and collect the share (or even % of it) in a cash register.
I would therefore proceed with all recurring costs and form cash or sub-accounts on which reserves should form.
mtl something in every cash register creates reserves.
any luxury, any ABO posts clubs etc. or phone/internet contracts can be cancelled and or later reactivated.
most of the time you save in customized shopping behavior (paypal to Despite) There are furniture stores, e.g. AWO etc.
very many people want to get rid of very many things on EBAY classifieds and Co that are certainly still good. This is certainly true for furniture, beds, electronics …
I don’t know your relationship with your horse, but I could imagine by using it you could save money. For example, on weekends, costs are reduced in which you can offer services and help with the stud where the horse stands.
Ev make the apartment stranger rent or rentable and even what smaller rent can save money.
But think that a sale of the horse becomes indispensable. Let your friend create videos with you and the horse, not just because of the sale.
so, spontaneously written enough. It is difficult to recommend when so little is known.
By the way, the way down is still far.
Living in an 11 degree warm apartment, without a refrigerator or other power eater, meanwhile no ABOs. ALdiflat for 70 EUR per year is also enough and it does not have to be a new smartphone every year. It is more awkward if there is no money for a new glasses for 6 years or if you get overweight, which is hardly in control, there are considerable restrictions.
I can understand your fear from my own experience.
May I last ask how old you are?
Since you have income, it would still be preferable to have a basic debt entered the house in order to achieve a reasonable buffer loan. A brush could also help.
So that you get back under your feet.
But discipline and stamina are very important. You can get over there. And Celia steps are also steps in the right direction. Every change starts with the first step. A “Coach” would also be helpful, who can enter the As…h if necessary.
Lovely kisses Michael
The bed I would have pushed out a little bit, you can also sleep on the floor with an isomat.
There are also at least used bed frames. And a mattress does not cost more than 100 €.
I have the impression that you can’t handle money.
By the way, the horse must go. I would then stop the car and buy a German ticket.
You have a very high savings potential! That the money is not enough is really your problem alone.
we bought the cheapest bed what we could find with everything
At XXX Lutz everything cost over 4000. We looked different. The quality must also be right. My friend finally wanted the bed because both of us killed our back pain, but I tell him that this was the last time we bought something for the warning. From now on, I’m out. No more money for home. Over the last two years, we spent over 30000 on renovation. It’s over.
And how do I get to work that is not accessible with Öffis?
By the way, the climate ticket is supposed to be abolished anyway.
And who buys the horse? For half a year, I tried intensively but did not find a buyer.
That’s not how it works when you decide on it one-sidedly, that leads to stress. Your friend must go there point you should buy frugalistic life and really just what is absolutely necessary.
A bed for over 1000 € is absolutely unacceptable. Something like that wouldn’t go with me.
You have to iron it off.
Why don’t you do a financial plan what you want to buy when and how it should be paid? There are no such ad hoc wishes.
he has been talking about curtains since October, so that 2-3 months have passed
I can’t afford it. If he wants to hang, he has to buy some. Point.
The dining table was the same. He wanted to have a new dining table because our is not so beautiful and ancient
He cost 800 Eur. as if 400 for everyone. I said I don’t want a new dining table and that ours is ok and now he has bought it himself. That’s exactly what I’m doing with the curtains.
I would write such things on a wish list and then leave at least 2 – 3 months there. In most cases it is also possible without curtains 🙂
I will try:) from now on, no more things for the apartment. My friend would like curtains for the living room. He can pay for it himself. I don’t bruise curtains. We have eh roller shutters
Then the future looks better. Remember that if your net increases, you should also increase the recommended reserve of 3 monthly salaries:)
I still have in 2000 on a savings book, but I would like to leave it on for household things if what needs to be repaired zb and the electrician will soon have a nice bill, which we would like to settle with it.
Otherwise, I have an account on the 120 Eur each month since 2019. Should be suitable for retirement, but for emergencies, I have something on it.
But yes, I will see that in the next few months I will save myself more and from now on I will really miss out on all events or meetings with friends that take place in the public.
No tickets, no food, no cinema. Only work, horse and home cook cheap until the end of May approx.
Then I should hopefully have saved a lot again. The good thing is that I get about nice in March 3300.
Yes, but in order to be liquid, you need a financial plan and liquidity management, as is also done in companies. In general, a liquidity cushion of about 3 monthly containers also helps, which you should save as soon as possible.
Unplanned larger expenses you can’t pay should be assured.
I don’t need a fortune, I just want to be as liquid at Kassa as a year ago. I only earned 1800 and I made it. Now I earn 300 more and have money at once, because lately so many expenses have been
I think there is a general problem, I have the impression that if you have money available then you have the desire to give it out. If you say you would shop if you hadn’t had a horse.
With this attitude you will not accumulate a fortune because you only get wealth together if you are economical.
and how? If nobody buys it?
Besides, my husband himself says to me, “You don’t sell your horse. I’ve got five hobbies and you’re just one. Then you sit at home all the time and I have a bad conscience when I’m in football, tennis, mountain biking, hiking or skiing or with friends”
If I were to sell my horse, I would be very wealthy within a few months and would hardly have any expenses. Then I could shop, enjoy my life, etc. but that’s not worth it. I’d rather save where else. I would never buy a horse again, but that she was inserated for half a year and she didn’t want to buy a single person, I can see it as a sign. It is a living entity and no object and this being is extremely good for me. Before I had the horse, I had severe depression (and therefore also had very high psychiatric costs because in Austria they are not taken over by the health insurance) and since I have the horse, they are blown away.
You could get rid of the horse. And really put all expenses on the test bench. The running expenses must also be reduced. Electricity contracts insurance everything has to be checked. And for the other expenses there is a moratorium, it is only bought what you have been buying for two months ago.
All you want to buy comes to a wishlist and stays there for at least two months. If you still need it then you can start getting offers and looking at price search machines where the thing is best when.
we are going to eh from now on because now we really have everything for home. If he’s still getting into something, he’s got bad. I don’t want anything new for home anymore. We spent soo a lot at home, I don’t want to.
Hi, I’ve read some answers (but not all) and I’d like to tell you that you can do it.
Yes, you have to pay attention to your expenses for some time, so save the extras.
Horse abolishing says easily, but is not easy and if you do well, leave it as it is. I don’t know if a riding shareholding would be possible for you. That would be just a small grant.
There are many young women who have a horse with less money. Then you can’t afford anything else, and they still like it. That’s it.
You should try to save a buffer, veterinarian or something, come unholy and talk to your friend that extraordinary expenses are not in for you right now. You have the horse and a certain income, and you have to get it.
You can not equal the cost of a horse with a net of €3,000.
You can do this.
You should always talk about your financial situation as a couple. We solved it differently. If joint purchases are made, both must be able to finance them. Otherwise, waits or the other has to invest more.
I also question the division 50/50 of the common costs. I have earned more and more than my current wife and therefore I have also paid the larger share of my current to our community account. About 75/25. Then there was a time when I studied by the way and worked only part-time. Of course, my friend took over the larger part. And since we are married and have children, my wife has been exposed to work for some time, and I have taken over everything, and I have also made savings in her retirement pension ETF, because she has taken care of it. Thus, it changes constantly, depending on the common income situation.
Basically, however, you need to create a daily money account for your emergency groaning (min. 3 net keeper). And additionally start investing in your retirement pension. The horse is now there if the decision was wise at that time is another question. But you have responsibility for this being. If you can put it in good hands, it’d be good. Maybe your parents can still support you? Did you get that horse for you then? Maybe you can ask them if they have the chance to take over the financial part of the horse and you have the deeds. So the care/ stables/moving… so in the sense of a riding share with your parents?
Sorry for the long text.
So I gave the horse back then. I had passed my graduation very well and I worked for a few months. My ex-boyfriend had separated from me and I was mentally ill. I was in the psychiatry and after that my then riding share was also “announced” as the owner sold it.
I was in the end and I wanted to have my own horse.
So my parents AND my grandparents AND my aunt uncles, etc. have decided that they all pay together and I as a gift to the 20. Birthday + for graduation + because I was mentally so bad and at that time it was also advised by all the therapists. I’ve had my mare for almost 8 years. I would never buy a horse again, but at the thought to give it away, alone I could cry like a lock dog.
My husband doesn’t want me to take her. He likes them first, and secondly, he’s happy that I also have a hobby. He’s got 5 hobbies and I’ve got only one, and he feels like he’s got more space through my horse for his hobbies.
And my parents don’t deserve so much. They deserve much less than me. They wouldn’t. If then someone else out of the family, but I find it unharmed and I don’t trust. My aunt deserves extremely good, and she gives me a little bit of money with the words “I like for you!” without praying for it. But she just gets through my mother that I have money-care (my mother has but also what)
there must be any other way without giving away my horse. The stable is so good to me. My horse has been feeling well here for almost 8 years and I can’t just tear her out of her usual environment.
If my husband would at least realize he’s paying a little more than me, because he deserves more than me. My colleague, whose husband is by chance my husband’s colleague, constantly says she doesn’t understand. Your husband pays almost everything at home because he deserves more
That’s why sit down and talk again!
I immediately thought that it would be great to keep a horse in your income. Something’s wrong if you hold a horse and you can’t afford a bed.
I’ve had the horse for 8 years, then my parents still financed me, but now I’ve been working for a few years
It wasn’t wise of your parents.
Why does my FAMLIE go wrong now? I’d understand if you say something goes wrong with me, but with my family?
I earned enough to afford my beloved animal and additionally food, but recently there were soooo many expenses for the house, for the car and so things
There’s something wrong with your family. Your friend’s right. It’s crazy to finance your food that you can afford your luxury hobby.
it was that then. Unfortunately. I’d never give me a horse again.
When I was single, I only earned 1500 eur. I’ve been promoted recently and only since then I have earned over 2000. I managed to keep the horse as a single, even though I had less merit, but I didn’t have any expenses for the house yet, but I just let myself be financed at home. The offer would even be there. My grandma offers me to cook fresh for us every day, but my friend doesn’t want it. He wants us to cook ourselves and it costs a lot of time.
You’re struggling with enough income, but to get a horse you should have high reserves. Besides, things can change in life. But you obviously don’t want to understand.
well, because I don’t pay rent I think it’s a good income
Nevertheless, it is not a good income if you want to hold a horse. You’re making false comparisons.
I have a good income compared to all the women I already know.
Do not know a woman in Austria at my age who deserves more than me, only factory workers who are striving, who also earn equal.
Probably this is different with you in Germany, but I deserve far more than all my friends.
And some of them can even afford 2 horses despite less merit than me.
But they didn’t renovate at home.
I need about a month. 600 for the horse about.
Should normally start with 2100 net 16 times a year.
If my friend didn’t make so many changes at home that would cost all the money and if my car weren’t intimidated without any reason before short.
No, you don’t have a good income. You can’t afford a horse, you’re making false priorities. And your friends will also fall on their noses. Your young life is extremely limited by the horses.
that was because I’ve been begging for so long and now I have a well paid job and don’t understand why it’s so difficult for me.
My stable friends earn almost all far under 2000 nice and somehow. But they’re barely out of the horse and don’t pay for anything
with us came the renovation and the furniture
You clearly have an issue problem. Car and horse can always cause unexpected costs. If you don’t make any reserves, you have a problem in case of emergency. This is homemade.
Well, everything is expensive, you have a car and a horse.
Who wants a lot to work.
You don’t deserve that. If you don’t learn to deal with it, it’ll never be anything – realtalk.
What might help if you were looking for a cheaper apartment.
we live at home in my parents’ house which I inherited
So who lives like a good earner should at least earn well.
You should reduce your cost extremely in the long term.
If something’s broken at the house, the car spins and your horse gets sick at the same time, you can fall into a hole where you have to sell everything at the end.
With your salary will be critical on your own
Expensive hobbies can be rethinked, especially when the riding school promotes back pain.
Many lights are still a buyer.
the riding industry does not promote back pain. Rather my office job where you are tied to the chair for 10 hours a day and my abnormally soft mattress with the broken feathers in bed.
Riding in itself is even very good against back pain.
Even if it hurts so much, and I don’t want to put my beloved horse out of her absolute well-being stable into a strange environment: I have inserated her since July. Can only hope (or not, my heart hopes for not, my head on already) that at some point someone will come up with who will actually appear to prepare. Had something done with some and then they just didn’t appear
Learn to deal with money.
and how? Don’t spend any more? People continue to cancel because I can’t afford what to do with them?
spend less money or spend money only for necessary things.
If you had to renovate and need a new bed, you can’t add to it with friends.
Beds without “comfort mattress” are also available 🙂
I’m out.
I had massive back pain and I had to spend countless massage costs because I had such problems because of my mattress.
I don’t get a drink with friends, but a girlfriend has met more often to bowl or go to dinner and I’ve always had excuses why I couldn’t go with
You two have over 5,000 euros net and lives free of rent.
Sometimes you want people who spend their money without meaning to be financially right at the Ar…
I’m financially at the ass.
He’s got 3000. We don’t have 5,000. I only have 2100. This isn’t our money. Everyone has his own money as he sees it.
I’ve already made the most difficult decision ever, and my horse has been advertised for sale, but so far no one has bought it. I advertised them in July 2024
I think you’ll have to separate yourself from the horse. Seems reasonable even if it takes longer.
and if no one buys it?
As I said, I had her inserated for half a year by only 5,000 Eur. even though she was worth a lot more. No one has reported. 3 were there for preparation, but they did not want to
How much does your friend pay for rent?
we do not pay directly rent. We live in a house.
We both pay 150 Eur each month. So a total of 300 to my parents living on the lower floor
Wrong friend. Bad invested money. You live together, then it shouldn’t be my money, your money, but our money. And apparently you can only afford one of them, horse or friend.
Excuse me? Of course, everyone has their money, even if we live together, we share the cost of joint purchases. Even without a friend, they need a bed, a bathroom etc. And it’s gonna be all alone.
I would have had if I were single all as left as it is but to stay there two hasn’t been enough and so we had to make some things new because my friend wanted this
Why is he a geizkragen? He’s doing his part.
Why? he always says to me “you don’t use the stuff either. So why shouldn’t we do half/highs?”
he is therefore a geizkragen or just wants to be treated fairly
What do you want? Your friend is a geizkragen.