Geldeingang nach Kontokündigung?
Angenommen das Konto von X ist um 2000€ überzogen.Da mehrere Monate kein Geldeingang kommt,kündigt die Bank das Konto.Kurz nach der Kündigung kommt aber Geld auf das Konto.Darf die Bank das Geld behalten,oder muß sie die Einzahlung ablehnen und das Geld geht wieder zurück ?
Of course, you have to compensate for the minus, and if money comes to the account, of course, it will remain balance in the account
You still have the obligation to balance the balance, even after termination.
I would think that the bank may use cash inflows to compensate for the claim.
It must be compensated for, but that could be done through a loan with a rate payment.Frshe is holding if the bank is allowed to legally retain the money or not, since the account is then terminated there.
Not a lawyer. I guess. The bank may keep the cash receipt. Because you’re actually responsible for the cash inputs on the account.
In the end, you get a binding answer from a lawyer.