Geldbeutel verloren was tun?
Ich habe gerade im Urlaub bei meinen Geldbeutel verloren/ oder er wurde gestohlen mit über 100 Euro Bargeld und Bankkarten und Führerschein. Habe deswegen jetzt total schlechte Laune ist euch sowas auch schon einmal passiert?
Unfortunately, he was stolen twice. It’s important to lock a bank card!
Otherwise, you should apply for items such as health insurance card, identity card and bank card.
I’ve been stolen 1 times my cash portmonee and once I lost it.
There’s nothing in there, so no Perso, no driver’s license, max a bank card and that’s only in countries where a lot is paid with card,
That’s not so dramatic.
Bzw. the bank card should be locked immediately so that no one can do anything wrong.
Yes has happened to me too, so I’m out on holiday only with cash untwerweg and if I’m on my way in a country with a lot of pocket thieves, I’ll be careful to put the cash in the pocket before I buy something somewhere, zb in a store, so that the thieves can’t see where I keep the money. The best way to place your license, money cards and ID in the hotel locker.
Yes directly out of bank and zack lost with 50€ in as poor student, 2 days later everything was back in the mailbox, nothing was missing